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The student news site of Kamehameha Schools Maui

Ka Leo o Nā Koa

The student news site of Kamehameha Schools Maui

Ka Leo o Nā Koa

The student news site of Kamehameha Schools Maui

Ka Leo o Nā Koa


Contact Us

Ka Leo o Nä Koa
“The Voice of the Warriors”
Kamehameha Schools Maui
270 ‘A’apueo Pkwy.
Pukalani, HI 96768

Ka Leo o Nā Koa Editorial policy

  1. Mission Statement
  2. Hawaiian Culture Vibrancy
  3. Open Forum Status and Prior Review
  4. Role of the Adviser
  5. Electronic Media
  7. Legal Limitations of the Student Press
  8. Statement of Ethics
  9. Editorial Board and Content
  10. Ethics: anonymous sources, profanity, photo manipulation
  11. Letters to the Editor
  12. Feedback/Comments
  13. Corrections/Clarifications
  14. Fair Use
  15. Bylines and Credits
  16. Corrections/Clarifications
  17. Privacy
  18. Advertising
  19. Intellectual Property Rights
  20. Print Edition
  21. Memberships and Affiliations
  22. Identification


Adapted from the “Model High School Student Media Editorial policy” pro­duced for by the Journalism Education Association ( and the Center for Scholastic Journal­ism Approved by the JEA Board April 19, 2006, and by the Scholastic Journalism Division of AEJMC Aug. 6, 2006.Permission is granted to use responsible journalism materials in educational activities when the JEA Press Rights Commission is cited as the source. While this model is specifically designed for newspapers and newsmagazines,advisers can adapt it for other scholastic media and to fit local needs.


Ka Leo o Nā Koa, a division of the Nā Koa Media academy team at Kamehameha Schools Maui, is a student production dedicated to objective and balanced coverage of campus and community news. The mission of this Web site is to publish newsworthy, informative, and entertaining content in a timely manner as a supplement to the printed edition, which is produced quarterly (viewable on this site). The site will serve as a searchable archive of the content of these publications. The following guidelines apply to work produced by Ka Leo o Nā Koa staff. This site includes original content such as: photo galleries, blogs, live video, forums, polls, late breaking stories, high-quality color photos and more that are part of an on-going effort to utilize the latest technology to bring news to our school’s community.


In keeping with the Kamehameha Schools’ policy 740 [C] of perpetuating and encouraging Hawaiian cultural vibrancy, the staff of Ka Leo o Nā Koa will practice nohona Hawai’i, demonstrate ‘ike Hawai’i, and follow the standards of ‘Ōlelo Hawai’i as they report and post information that is in keeping with the Hawaiian world view.


  1. Nohona Hawai’i. A Hawaiian way of life, or living Hawaiian culture.
  2. ‘Ike Hawai’i. Hawaiian knowledge and understanding.
  3. Hawaiian Cultural Vibrancy. The relative state of Hawaiian cultural health and well-being as indicated by the frequency, intensity, richness, authenticity and pervasiveness of Hawaiian language use, cultural practices, and the application of a Hawaiian world view.
  4. Hawaiian World View. Hawaiian perspectives of life and the world based on spirituality, ancestral wisdom and knowledge, history, values and future aspirations.



Ka Leo o Nā Koa is a limited open forum. The staff of Ka Leo o Nā Koa is subject to prior review by the administrative team.


The adviser of Ka Leo o Nā Koa will supervise production and offer advice and instruction to help the staff meet professional standards of English and journalism.


Student journalists may use print and electronic media to report news and information, to communicate with other students and individuals, to ask questions of and consult with experts and to gather material to meet their newsgathering and research needs. In doing so, Ka Leo o Nā Koa and its staff will adhere to expected school and cultural standards and contractual obligations established between the students and the school.


The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), or “Buckley Amendment,” was designed to protect the privacy of student education records, but the Student Press Law Center says it is a mistake to interpret the law to suggest student media, especially online student media, cannot publish the name or photo of a student without written consent from the student’s parent. The SPLC writes: “Even where Hazelwood does apply, it is difficult to imagine a court upholding a blanket policy that prohibits the publication of lawfully obtained student names or photos in its student media without regard to context. As such, it will be the practice of Ka Leo o Nā Koa to identify students over the age of 13 by first and last name in postings, including headlines, articles, and story captions.


In accordance with the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act, only feedback from visitors over 13 years of age will be published. Ka Leo o Nā Koa is not liable for contributors who dishonestly supply this information.


Ka Leo o Nä Koa will not publish any material determined by student editors or the student editorial board to be unprotected, that is, material that is libelous, obscene, materially disruptive of the school process, an unwarranted invasion of privacy, a violation of copyright or a promotion of products or services unlawful (illegal) to minors as defined by state or federal law. Definitions and examples for the above instances of unprotected speech can be found in Law of the Student Press published by the Student Press Law Center.


The editorial board, which consists of the staff’s student editors and news advisor, will determine the content, including all unsigned editorials. The views stated in editorials represent that of a majority of the editorial board. Signed columns or reviews represent only the opinion of the author. The views expressed in Ka Leo o Nā Koa, whether in print or online, represent the views of the individual student writers and editors and should not be construed to reflect the views of Kamehameha Schools Maui, Kamehameha Schools Bishop Estates, or their divisions and affiliations.


The staff of the Ka Leo o Nā Koa will strive to report issues in a legal, objective, accurate and ethical manner, according to the Ka Leo o Nā Koa Code of Ethics. The Ka Leo o Nā Koa Code of Ethics includes a code of ethics concerning accuracy, responsibility, integrity, conflict of interest, impartiality, fair play, freedom of the press, sensationalism, personal privacy, obstruction of justice, and creditability.

Ka Leo o Nā Koa will not engage in plagiarism of any form. In the interest of representing a broad range of views, the staff will make efforts to avoid having a staff member interview his or her friends or classmates whenever possible and instead will seek out a broad range of sources for any story.


To ensure that students are provided with fair and accurate information, Ka Leo o Nā Koa will avoid using anonymous quotes and sources.


Ka Leo o Nā Koa does not see it fit or necessary to include profanity in its publications 


Electronic manipulations changing the essential truth of the photo or illustration will be clearly labeled if used. The staff will not alter the content of news photos through technological or other means. Image enhancements for technical clarity is always permissible. Photo illustrations are acceptable, but should be clearly labeled. Likewise, the staff will not stage or re-create news events for photographs without clearly identifying photos as having been altered. The duly appointed editors shall interpret and enforce this editorial policy in keeping with the Journalism Education Association’s position statement on photo manipulation.


Ka Leo o Nā Koa may accept letters to the editor and news releases from students, faculty, administrators, community residents and the general public. We ask that letters to the editor be 100 words or less and that other submissions be 300 words or less and that both contain the author’s name and email address. Extra-school submissions should also include a physical address and phone number.

The Ka Leo o Nā Koa editorial board reserves the right to withhold a letter or other submission and/OR return it for revision if it contains unprotected speech (libel, invasion of privacy, inaccuracy, obscenity, disruptive of the school environment or curriculum) or gram­matical errors that could hamper its meaning.

Letters may also be shortened for space considerations.

Deadlines for letters and columns will be determined by each year’s student staff, allowing sufficient time for verification of authorship prior to publication.

The objective of the letters to the editor section is to spark critical thinking and mature discussion of issues facing our students and our world. Letters should include appropriate language for public communication. Even if you disagree with someone’s point of view, your letters should maintain a sense of respect. We would like to remind our readers that no personal attacks should be made towards other readers or writers. Ka Leo o Nā Koa does not accept anonymous letters to the editor.

All commentary is strictly the opinion of the writer and may not represent opinions held by the Kamehameha Schools Bishop Estates, school administration, sponsors, parents, or student body.


Ka Leo o Nā Koa prints feedback and other expressions of opinion. The editorial board reserves the right to edit all such submissions for length, grammar, potential libel, invasion of privacy and obscenity. Staff members will attempt to post acceptable material in a timely manner.

Visitors who submit comments to articles and photos on Ka Leo o Nä Koa are required to provide their name and e-mail address. Only the name is published.

All threats are taken seriously. Comments containing threats to someone’s safety (including your own) will immediately be sent to the school administration, who may refer the report to the Maui Police Department with all information provided, including IP address.

Hate speech, defined as speech that attacks a person or group on the basis of race, religion, gender, or sexual orientation, is not protected speech. Comments containing hate speech may be passed along to school administrators if deemed cruel and malevolent. We believe in healthy, strong criticism of ideas and beliefs, not cruelty. Please comment with aloha and kuleana. E ‘olu’olu.

Under section 230 of the Communications Decency Act (CDA) Ka Leo o Nā Koa is not liable for any libelous material posted in the comments section of


Staff members will strive to correct errors prior to publication; however, if the editorial board determines a significant error is published, the editorial board will determine the manner and timeliness of a correction. If the editorial board determines a significant error has occurred, a formal correction will appear on the site and remain a permanent alteration to the online article or copy. If any member of the staff or a source discovers a major mistake in an issue of the paper, a correction noting the mistake and where it appeared will be printed in the next issue.


Ka Leo o Nä Koa occasionally uses book covers, album covers, movie posters and other copyrighted works for the purposes of criticism, comment and news reporting. In accordance with the doctrine of “fair use,” codified in Section 107 (Title 17, U.S. Code), these images are used for nonprofit educational purposes, have been reduced in resolution and are not intended to affect the potential market for, or value of, the copyrighted work. If you are the owner of the copyright of a work used in Ka Leo o Nā Koa and would like it removed, please e-mail 


Ka Leo o Nā Koa staff will not publish images or other work without properly crediting the creators of that work and obtaining reprint/rebroadcast permissions copyrighted work. .


Ka Leo o Nā Koa utilizes traffic logging software, collecting the following information about each visitor: browser version, IP (Internet Protocol) address, operating system and requested pages. This data is used for statistical purposes only.  Ka Leo o Nā Koa currently uses cookies to prevent visitors from voting on Ka Leo o Nā Koa more than once per session. Cookies are utilized to prevent users from sending contact information to Ka Leo o Nā Koa more than once per session. Accurate statistics of most viewed articles is collected.


Ka Leo o Nā Koa does not accept commercial advertising, but may, at the discretion of the editorial board, run advertising for various school and club student events and activities.


By contract, all student submissions are the intellectual property of Kamehameha Schools Bishop Estates and may not be reproduced in whole or in part without written permission from the news adviser, who can be reached at


Ka Leo o Nā Koa is also published as a print edition four times per year and distributed to high school students, faculty and staff.


Ka Leo o Nā Koa is a member of the Quill & Scroll International Honor Society for High School Journalists and an active participant in the Hawai’i Publisher’s Journalism Awards. Its adviser is a member of the Journalism Education Association. Since its inception in 2005, Ka Leo o Nä Koa has won numerous HPA awards including, “best newspaper in the state” in 2011 and 2013 and overall “best in online division” in 2012, ’13 and ’14. The staff continues to strive to produce a news product that follows standard journalistic guidelines.


On the Web, Ka Leo o Nā Koa will identify students by their names on school record. An effort will be made to include aliases after the school record name whenever possible. In the print newspaper, students will be identified by student-submitted aliases.