Hoo-RAE!: Remember the good
Photo by Dyllyn Kahalehau
Homecoming Week, one of the good things to come out of 2020.
December 31, 2020
Hey everyone! It’s me, Lauren. Did you miss me? LOL woah! It has been a while since my last blog post, but that is because I am, unfortunately, not in Journalism anymore. I know, I’m sad too, but I’ve been so busy with family, school, and life and sometimes things lead you down a different path.
This year has affected everyone whether financially, emotionally, physically, mentally, or spiritually, but one thing that I have found out, is that through the hard times, there’s always good.
Through hospital visits and medical bills, my family has had a rough year, but we and many others are able to grow from the setbacks. I look back at the year and I can’t help, but think, “Wow, it’s been crazy.”
Though it’s been a different year, it has also been a fun one.
Some of the happy moments from my year include becoming the senior class president, volunteering more in the community, creating class stickers and masks, receiving the honor of being name the October Upcountry Rotary Student of the Month, choreographing our 1st place Homecoming dance video, and going on morning runs with my family.
Even if it was a difficult time for myself, I always tried to make others happy because that was what brought me the most joy.
As you know, I like to always keep things up and positive, and I found lots to feel good about this year, just like many of my friends.
I asked them to share lessons learned from this year, and this is what some of them said:
- “To find happiness in even just the little things.” – Tianna Lopez, 12
- “Taking time to work on yourself is important always.” – Destiny Labuanan, 10
- “No feelings are invalid.” – Sasha Jorgensen, 12
- “Take advantage of second chances.” – Nakea Kahalehau, 9
- “Stop waiting for the next thing, live in the moment.” – Elijah Uwekoʻolani, 12
- “I am so thankful to have spent more time with my family during this time.” – Sienna Hamasaki, 9
- “Tomorrow is never promised, so spend each day with the thought of today.” – Brock “Hinano” Lovell, 12
As for myself, I learned to focus more on the good, to have and create more fun, and to know that not everything needs to be perfect. Hearing from others, I can see how many of us have grown this year. It’s amazing.
That being said, I ask YOU to look back at your year and remember the good. I’m sure if you think really hard, you’ll find that the good will outweigh the bad. Trust me.
I really hope to write again soon. I know I’ll be busy again; nonetheless, I wish you all a safe, healthy, and fun new year! I hope each and every one of you takes what you have learned from 2020 and uses it to create a new year filled with love, joy, and goodness.