Ola Nā Iwi wishes to contribute to thriving lāhui
Photo by Brianne Reformina
Ola Nā Iwiʻs Ariana Hurdle addresses discussion topics at one of the clubʻs planning meetings. The new club hopes to promote and encourage Hawaiian culture and identity.
Ola Nā Iwi is a new club that hopes to instill the importance of Hawaiian culture in upcoming generations.
The idea came up last year in Kumu Kehau Lucas’ Sophomore Seminar, when she asked for suggestions as to how Kamehameha Maui students could improve Hawaiian culture throughout the school and island of Maui. The students made many suggestions, and one of the few ideas that succeeded was the club.
Ola Nā Iwi was founded by juniors Meaaloha McCabe, Kayce “Pōmaikaʻi” Mercado, and Delissa “Lauaʻe” Rano.
President McCabe cautions that people should use the right terms when referring to the group.
“We’re not going to call the club a ‘Hawaiian club,’ but instead, a club in which we work to perpetuate the Hawaiian culture,” she said.
Their mission is to increase knowledge, understanding and compassion among young Hawaiians so that they can thrive all around the world.
The club’s government consists of five members: McCabe, vice president Rano, secretary Ariana “Kahiau” Hurdle, treasurer Mercado, and historian Kiana “Kamaile” Liu, and Kumu Kehau is the club’s adviser.
As any club would, Ola Nā Iwi has set goals. It’s members will look for ways to improve the knowledge of Hawaiian culture within the lāhui of KS Maui and Hawaiʻi.
Adviser Kumu Kehau has left Ola Nā Iwi in the hands of the club’s government.
“It is essentially the haumāna that drives this club,” she said.
Ola Nā Iwi will eventually begin to do community service projects and other fun activities like working in loʻi.
They are also looking forward to working with Pūnana Leo, a Hawaiian language education program for young schoolchildren, and possibly taking a trip up to Haleakalā.
With club sign-ups approaching soon next Tuesday, they’re ready to take on their responsibilities. Be sure to check out their booth on August 30 in the quad. This could be the club you’ve been waiting for.