How can you prevent this?
December 24, 2015
Photo by Kainoa Deguilmo
Jarin Correa does neck-strengthening exercises in the weight room before practice.
To prevent concussions, be sure to use the proper head gear if your sport requires you to do so. If your sport requires a helmet, be sure that it’s comfortable and fits snugly.
Equipment should be well maintained, too. The safer your equipment, the less likely you are to suffer a head injury.
But, you can have the safest equipment in the world, and it won’t mean anything if you don’t use the right form and technique and follow the rules.
For example, it’s important for football players to keep their heads up when they tackle. Being conscious of basics like that and following them can make all the difference.
It’s also important to communicate. If an athletes experience any of the symptoms of concussions, it’s important for them to let a doctor, coach or medical professional know right away.

This graphic shows how athletes can minimize their chances of getting a concussion.