This bountiful pumpkin harvest is something to be thankful for. (Photo by Holly Honda)
This bountiful pumpkin harvest is something to be thankful for.

Photo by Holly Honda

Students are grateful at Thanksgiving

November 24, 2016

Here at Kamehameha Schools Maui, there is so much to be thankful for. This Thanksgiving, four students tell what they’re grateful for.

Freshman Lansen Nitahara

Lansen Nitahara is grateful for his father.

Photo by Holly Honda

Lansen Nitahara says that he is grateful for his father.

Lansen Nitahara, a freshman, says that he is grateful for his father, along with the rest of his family.

He says that throughout his life, his father always motivates and encourages him to do his best. He also says that his father always has his back.

“[There] was a kid that bull[ied] me in elementary and [my dad] always helped me through it and encouraged me to stand up for myself’, Nitahara said.

Nitahara comes from a family of seven. His parents are, H. and Yukiko Nitahara. He has four younger brothers and one sister, who is the youngest of all five.

He is grateful for his father and all that he does to help him get through his hardships.

Sophomore Kayleen Lau

Kayleen Lau is grateful for her family and friends.

Photo by Holly Honda

Kayleen Lau says that she is grateful for her family and friends.

Lau said that it is good to appreciate the ones who are close to you. She comes from a family of five and is the middle child of three girls.

Lau is a hard worker and never gives up, whether its through school or sports. She encourages others and always has a positive outlook on life.

“This year has been really hard and I realized that I have a lot of friends and family who [have] been supporting me through this hard time”, she said.

Junior Destynee Albiar

Destynee Albiar is grateful for the night sky.

Photo by Holly Honda

Destynee Albiar says that she is grateful for the night sky.

Destynee Albiar, a junior, says that she is grateful for the night sky.

She values education and always tries her best to do well in school. Albiar is determined to get good grades and perseveres through all challenges that come her way.

Like many other students, Albiar stays up until midnight to get all of her homework done. One way that she gets through that is through the night sky.

“[Around] 11 or 12 is when I [get] that downhill [feeling] with my homework, and I feel that I don’t want to do it, but I just look up, and I see the pretty sky and all the stars”, she said.

The night sky gives Albiar peace and makes her happy, which motivates her to finish her work.

Senior Jasmine Casey

Jasmine Casey is grateful for Pauahi and her legacy.

Photo by Holly Honda

Jasmine Casey shares that she is grateful for Pauahi.

Jasmine Casey shares that she is grateful for Princess Pauahi and her legacy.

Casey is one who immerses herself in the Hawaiian culture and shares the culture with everyone she can. She shares it through hula, ʻōlelo and many other ways.

She is grateful for Pauahi who has provided an education for herself and many others.

“[Pauahi has] given us the opportunity to identity ourselves as Hawaiians,” she said.

Casey said that Kamehameha Schools has provided a college prep education, and she hopes to further her education at the Univerisity of Hawaiʻi Hilo.

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