‘Unashamed’ worship concert brings island youth groups to KSM

Photo by Analicia Kapua

Leiana Kepa spreads the love for Jesus to the youth of Maui at Keōpūolani Hale, Friday, Jan. 12. The multi-church concert event, coordinated by senior Mikaela Bega, was open to anyone who wanted to worship through music.

On Friday, Jan. 12, Kamehameha Mauiʻs high school hosted “Free At Last,” a church event from Unashamed Hawaiʻi where people from all over the island could come and worship with three bands. The three bands included God’s House, Hope Chapel and Leiana Kepa from Joyful Community Church of Waimanalo, Oʻahu. Senior Mikaela Bega helped coordinate this event and create a fantastic night.

The concert was held on the weekend of the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday, and “the theme was ʻfree at lastʻ so it was talking about being free from chains and being free from all this sin that holds us down, and Jesus is the one that sets us free from all that,” senior Mikaela Bega said.

During the night, Christians and guests from many different churches came and sang praises to the Lord. At the end of the night, Kepa and her band came up and sang along with the crowd of young people.

“The most memorable part of the night was the kids singing on the stage with us and them leading their fellow students into worship,” she said. “It blessed me because I got to see all the youth here worshiping Jesus.”

This was the first event like this to be hosted at KSM’s high school. A combination of five churches from all over the island came to worship.

Bega said that even though she got started a little late with the advertisements, “It was still a great turn out.”