Kira’s Companions: ‘Dad, it’s snowing!’

Photo by Kira Gomez

One of the many lambs I saw when I got to tour the University of Findlay Animal Sciences Center, March 17.

By Kira Gomez, staff writer

On March 15, my dad and I began our journey to Findlay, Ohio. I was going up there for a college visit and to compete for a scholarship at the University of Findlay. And I was terrified. I have never travelled that far, and I didn’t know what to expect. Everything I had known about the school was through my own online research, and to actually go there was surreal for me. Between the six hour flight to Phoenix from Maui, to the next five hour flight to Detroit, and last that two hour drive to Findlay, I had a lot of time before I stepped foot on campus to think about what there was to come.

My dad and I on our way from Detroit, Michigan to Findlay, Ohio.
My dad and me on our way from Detroit, Michigan, to Findlay, Ohio. (Photo courtesy of Terence Gomez)

I quickly found out though, that I worried myself over nothing. I was far away from home, yes. I was freezing even while wearing many layers, yes. But I got to see and learn a lot of new things just from the short two days we were there.

On March 17, we attended the Animal Science, Pre-Veterinary, Equestrian Discovery Day. This was where potential students interested in the these programs got to see in depth what they do in the respective programs and what the school has to offer.

We started off in the auditorium with the Director of Strategic Recruitment, Shawn M Jordan, who spoke about the story of the University of Findlay, what there is to do on and off campus, what life as a student at the school would be like, and the resources provided for each student.

We then got split up into our respective majors: animal science/pre-veterinary and equestrian. My group got to hear from Brandon Forshey, the director of pre-veterinarian medicine at the school. This is the talk that I think made everyone reflect on what goes into preparing for vet school or any career path regarding animals, for that matter.

Then, there was a Q&A panel with current students studying animal science, which was helpful and fun, as well. We got to tour school and eat lunch on campus, and it hit me that I was at the school in person for the first time. It wasn’t a YouTube video or an online photo. It was actually in front of my own two eyes, and I am so grateful my parents let me visit.

On our way to the Animal Science Building where we got to see the animals, but also the classrooms as well.
On our way to the Animal Science Building where we got to see the animals and the classrooms as well. (Photo by Kira Gomez)

My favorite part of this whole trip was a surprise, the barn tours! We got to look at the animals and what goes on when you aren’t in a regular classroom, and it’s through this tour that I learned three things: learning is incredibly hands on, to have a barn as a classroom would be a dream come true, and we came at the perfect time because of all the babies. I got to see sheep, goats, cows, pigs, and got to see some of things the students are up to in the barns.

That whole day was so action packed and eye opening it made me exhausted, but so happy that I was able to go. It’s something I’ll never forget.

March 18 was a totally new and exciting experience. I got to see and touch snow for the first time in my life, and it wasn’t even supposed to happen. One second I was grabbing a banana for breakfast in our lobby at the inn, and the next, I stepped outside to snow falling around my face. I couldn’t believe it. I even took it as a good start to my day even though I knew almost everyone else wasn’t thrilled for the weather.

My dad documents the first time I saw snow for the very first time during our stay in Findlay, Ohio.
My dad documents the first time I saw snow during our stay in Findlay, Ohio. (Photo by Kira Gomez)

But even with the cold weather, the scholarship competition day was fun and informative. I was grouped with the people who were planning on studying the same major as me and was led by several student ambassadors who were fun and friendly the entire day. We got to see some of the dorms, hear from current faculty about the animal science and equestrian programs, get matched with certain personality types ( mine being Phoebe from the show Friends), and last, do interviews. Sadly, we couldn’t do the scavenger hunt around campus due to the weather, but the day was fun nonetheless. I got to meet a lot of people and learn so much more of what life as a student at the University of Findlay might be like.

It was a great trip, and it made me fall even more in love with what I plan on studying in the very near future.