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Ka Leo o Nā Koa

The student news site of Kamehameha Schools Maui

Ka Leo o Nā Koa

The student news site of Kamehameha Schools Maui

Ka Leo o Nā Koa

Tabaco finds creative way to give back


Junior Kailee Tabaco collected art supplies May 1-May 14 for the children at Camp Imua for her senior project. Camp Imua is a summer program of Imua Family Services, a non-profit organization based on Maui and Lana’i,

“I hope to be a role-model in these children’s lives. I also want to spread awareness in the community about these children’s special needs and the obstacles they have to overcome,” Tabaco said.

Tabaco set up eight donation boxes in the high school seminar classes for students to donate new or lightly used art supplies.

She also put a box in the high school office and one at the Maui Memorial Medical Center.

Tabaco plans to use the supplies that she has collected to do an art project with the children at Camp Imua this summer. After the artwork is finished, she will donate it to Imua Family Services as a mural.

Instead of raising money for Camp Imua, Tabaco thought that the thing that they needed at camp was more art supplies.

“I thought that it would be good for the kids to have the actual products instead of just giving money to the organization,” Tabaco said.

On Monday, May 14, Tabaco collected the boxes of art supplies from each seminar classroom.

The class that donated the most art supplies will win a 400 spirit points, which goes towards next year’s homecoming week. The class that comes in second place will receive 300 spirit points, third place will receive 200 spirit points and last place will receive 100 spirit points. Tabaco will announce the winner over the school’s public address system at the end of the week.

Tabaco is still taking in art supplies from whomever wants to donate, and the box at the hospital is still open for more donations as well.

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