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The student news site of Kamehameha Schools Maui

Ka Leo o Nā Koa

The student news site of Kamehameha Schools Maui

Ka Leo o Nā Koa

Brown reaches for stars at Miss America’s Outstanding Teen


Senior Hulali Brown has gone to Orlando, Florida, in hopes of winning the title of Miss America’s Outstanding Teen 2012.

There will be three days of preliminary rounds, which start on Tuesday, August 14, and continue until the big show on August 18. On that day, contestants will find out who made it to the semi-finals of the pageant. From there, each semi-finalist will continue in the competition for the title of Miss America’s Outstanding Teen 2012 and the crown.

The contestants who do not make the semi-finals will still perform in the production numbers, but will not participate in the different phases like showcasing their talent, responding to an interview and explaining their platform.

On April 21, 2012, Brown was named Miss Hawai’i’s Outstanding Teen 2012 at the Hawai’i Convention Center on O’ahu. Brown went to this state pageant with the intent of going to nationals because of the scholarships and the experience she would gain at a national competition.

She is one of the 53 contestants participating in this pageant. There is one Miss Outstanding Teen from each state, the District of Colombia, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. Although Brown said she does not have as much experience as the other contestants, she is looking forward to the challenge.

“They’ve competed since they were little girls, and I’m a total rookie. I’m literally entering this pageant with fresh eyes and a brand new pair of heels. However, I am a confident young woman,” Brown said.

Brown sacrificed much of her time in order to get to where she is today. Her training consisted of a range of activities, such as praciting walking, being interviewed and rehearsing her talent for the pageant. She frequently met with her interview coach to go over global, national and local issues to familiarize herself with different topics that could possibly come up during the interview phase. Brown also had to master different stances and memorize dance routines that the contestants will perform on Auguest 18.

In addition to learning these things, she also had to gain self-awareness.

“It’s important to reveal who you really are to the judges. I have to let them in to prove that I am qualified for the crown and title,” Brown said.

Coming right at the start of school, the timing of the pageant is not easy for Brown. It forced her to be organized and develop methods to keep her on track with school and pageant traning.

The Miss Hawai’i organization paid for all of Brown’s expenses. Brown also has sponsors who support her.

The Miss America’s Outstanding Teen competition is a scholarship pageant for teens 13-17. This pageant is an opportunity for young women to become responsible, strong leaders.

“A lot of responsibility comes with the shining crown and it is represented in the four points of the crown. This is something most people do not know. The four points of the crown stand for style, success, service and scholarship. Ultimately, this is what we and the organization stand for whether we are wearing our crowns or not,” Brown said.

Brown’s standing in Miss America’s Outstanding Teen 2012 will be posted on the Ka Leo o Na Koa Web site, via Twitter, when the results are released.

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