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Ka Leo o Nā Koa

The student news site of Kamehameha Schools Maui

Ka Leo o Nā Koa

The student news site of Kamehameha Schools Maui

Ka Leo o Nā Koa

Maui Fair: Still improving going on 90 years


It is that time of year again for the 90th annual Maui Fair taking place at War Memorial Fairgrounds this weekend, Sept. 27-30.

This year, the fair has many new and returning activities and interactions for families and fair-goers of all ages.

There are two new rides for the keiki – the Umbrella Jeeps and Volkswagens and the Umbrella Quad Runners, which “had children lined up at the 50th State Fair” according to Fair Managing Director Sherri Grimes .

A returning attraction this year is the VEX robotics competition, a regional qualifying event for the High School Division U.S. National VEX Robotics Championship in Ralston, Neb. in March.

Kamehameha Maui seniors Ramsey Arista and Kevin Goo, will be competing as the Engineering Soldiers, and Manaloa Aikala and Kahiau Andrade will be competing as the RoboWarriors at the event. Qualifying matches begin at 9:00 a.m. on Saturday, Sept. 29, with finals matches scheduled to begin at 3:10 p.m. that day.

An hour later, at 10:00 a.m., but also in the Baldwin High School gymnasium, there is the annual American Institute of Architects Lego Building Competition for fourth and fifth grade students.

“This [these competitions] has given students the opportunity to coordinate, compete and excel in the world of technology,” Grimes said.

Within the Commercial Tent and Hawai’i Product & Services Tent there will be a number of new vendors to meet your needs.

And don’t worry; the Multi-Cultural Food Court will still be there. Throughout 90 years of service, the food court has been a favorite to all.

Tired of walking around? Visit the newest feature, the Events Arena, where various organizations and groups share their talent. This tent is located in front of Sakamoto Swimming Pool.

Everything from martial arts and taiko drumming to pet training is there to capture your attention, in keeping with the fair’s mission to “perpetuate the traditions, values and culture of our generations through participation by all.”

Don’t be afraid that the Maui Fair is replacing too much. Traditional attractions like the Homemakers Exhibit, Livestock and Poultry Tent, School Art Gallery and Photography Salon, Orchid-land, and Horticulture and Bonsai Exhibits will still be there.

Ms. Grimes said, “The Fair will always be for everyone to enjoy, create new memories, and make new friends.”

For more information about rides, attractions, and vendors, click here to visit the fair’s Web site.

Fair hours are as follows:

  • Thursday, 9/27, 5-11 p.m.
  • Friday, 9/28, 5 p.m.-midnight
  • Saturday, 9/29, 10 a.m.-midnight
  • Sunday, 9/30, 10 a.m.-11 p.m.


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