Cut to the Chase: Happy Halloween

Me and my sister, Brie, as pretty, pretty princesses. Ah, the good old, pre-COVID days.

By Chasey Koomoa-Sidney, editor

Did everyone have a safe, 6-feet apart Halloween? Mine was a movie marathon with popcorn and family.

Since COVID-19 struck, we’ve had to deal with a few holiday disappointments, but–and I’m sure you agree–this takes the cake, or the Halloween candy, if you will. 

When I was little my parents would cart me around in a little red wagon, and we’d trick or treat with friends. It was awesome. Then my little sister Brie was born on October 30. Double the fun and double the sugar!

When I was little, princesses were a must, and Disney was on 24/7. I’ll admit that I spent more than a few Halloweens in puffy dresses with crowns. No surprise, I loved it and looked adorable. Every year we went trick or treating, and I ended up passed out in a candy coma on the living room floor with Ghostbusters playing on the tv (Who ya gonna call?).

A few years later, I got organized. By this point, I had two cousins, one sibling, and a whole lot of candy to trade. Twizzlers were always the first to go. In return, I always asked for Twix–a mutually beneficial agreement cemented over many a Halloween-themed cupcake with my cousins. Candy trading aside, this year is a great time to get artistic. One thing that we still can do is carve pumpkins and dress up. 

The best thing about carving pumpkins is the creativity involved. You could carve anything! A few years ago, my dad carved a Pikachu pumpkin, and we roasted the pumpkin seeds in the oven. It was both delicious and entertaining. Now, we may not be going trick-or-treating, but that’s no excuse! Dress up and treat yourself to some dessert. There’s no need to go gallivanting around the malls. Just find something in your closet and settle in with friends and family. 

Over time trick-or-treating stopped being nearly as entertaining, but I still walked with my sister every year. Brie has always loved Halloween, and this year she turns 13. She’s a TEEN! I’m thinking of buying a bunch of candy and having her decimate a monkey piñata.

Movies have always been the best part of Halloween for me. Halloween Town, Casper, and The Nightmare Before Christmas are among my all-time-favorites. Every year we would get together at my uncle’s house, and they’d project a movie on the wall. Popcorn, candy, fake spiders, and great company was always a must. 

Now, I’ve never much been a fan of bobbing for apples; however, I am a fan of candied apples. Besides I’m sure nobody would risk COVID for an apple floating in a bucket of water (hint, hint). Caramel covered apples are a must during fall, and they’re all the better with piping hot apple cider on a cold fall night.

As you can see, I’m an avid fan of treats and even more-so a fan of Halloween-themed treats. Anyone else love those ghost-shaped sugar cookies?

Despite the social distancing this year, I hope you and your family had a wonderful Halloween, watched some movies, ate some candy, and stayed safe. Happy Halloween!

P.S. Don’t light the black flame candle!