The student news site of Kamehameha Schools Maui

Ka Leo o Nā Koa

The student news site of Kamehameha Schools Maui

Ka Leo o Nā Koa

The student news site of Kamehameha Schools Maui

Ka Leo o Nā Koa

Na Ali’i top Warriors Tuesday

Kainalu Kealoha faces the tough defense of the King Kekaulike Na Ali’i on Tuesday, April 19. The Warriors lost in a game that went to four sets.

It was the third and last time this season that the Maui Warriors met with Na Alii in a regular MIL tournament. The fourth set ended in another loss for the Warriors on Tuesday, April 19, at King Kekaulike High School.

Na Alii led through the entire first set. The Warriors were behind by as much as 7 points. The boys caught up near the end, but lost, 19-25.

The second set also ended in a loss, 16-25.

In the third set, the Warriors held the lead for most of the time. Nearing the end of the set, Na Alii were not far behind, and tied at 16-16. From there, the score was back and forth, but ended with the Warriors winning their first set of the night, 25-22.

Ronald Fukushima, Na Alii’s head coach, said that there were “times we [Na Alii] could work on some things. The boys came out and kept their spirits up through the first two.”

Staying optimistic worked in Na Alii’s favor in the fourth set. Na Alii led through the entire set. Although the Warriors came close to catching up, the fourth set was the last of the night, ending  in another loss for the Warriors, 16-25.

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