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Ka Leo o Nā Koa

The student news site of Kamehameha Schools Maui

Ka Leo o Nā Koa

The student news site of Kamehameha Schools Maui

Ka Leo o Nā Koa

Maui High wins battle with volleyball Warriors

The Maui Warriors were on the defense once the Maui High Sabers got rolling. In an up-and-down senior night match-up, the Sabers won 3-1.

The Kamehameha Maui boys volleyball team lost their last home game on Wednesday night against Maui High School at Ka’ulaheanuiokamoku Gym.

This was their last game before the week-long Maui Interscholastic League tournament.

The team battled their way through the first set, leading from start to finish. They ended with a blow away score of 25-13.

The second set was much different, however. They started with back-to-back tying scores, then advanced with a 2-3 lead. It wasn’t until the end that Maui High tied the game with 22 points and took the lead from the Warriors, ending the second set 24-26.

In the third set the Sabers led the game from start to finish, having a 7-point lead through the middle of the set. The Warriors ended their worst set with a score of 16-25.

For the final set, Maui High led throughout the game with as much as a 6-point lead at times, until the Warriors made a dramatic comeback and tied the game, 22-22. After a tough battle, they ended their final set with a loss of 22-25.

Coach Jessica Adkins of Maui High School said the Sabers performed better than usual today.

“I think they did wonderful tonight, and this is the first time I’ve seen them come together as a team in three weeks,” said Adkins.

She also said that the Maui High boys will be playing Kamehameha again on Monday, May 2, for their first game of the MIL tournament.

“Tonight proved that the[Warriors] are a tough match. I hope the [Maui High] boys are ready,” Adkins said.

Warriors Head Coach Robert Brede believed the boys could have played better tonight, but he noted the spirit he saw in the team on their senior night.

“With the seniors departing, the momentum going in helped end the season on a higher note. I also saw heart and spirit, and the support of the crowd was uplifting,” Coach Brede said.

During the rest of the week, the team has a lot to work on to prepare for the upcoming tournament at Seabury Hall.

Coach Brede said that to prepare the team will work on “fine tuning,” especially in the defensive situations and blocking.

The Kamehameha Maui boys will need to work hard in practice for the tournament that lies ahead and holds the ticket to the state tournament.

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