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Ka Leo o Nā Koa

The student news site of Kamehameha Schools Maui

Ka Leo o Nā Koa

The student news site of Kamehameha Schools Maui

Ka Leo o Nā Koa

Warriors, Sabers fight to the end


Kamehameha Maui varsity football versus Maui High, August 27, 2011.

Under the dark skies of Wailuku, Kamehameha Schools Maui Warrior football team took to their first regular season game against the Maui High School Sabers losing 28-27 in a double overtime battle to the end.

At War Memorial Stadium, the game started off slowly with turnovers being made by both teams. The Sabers scored first putting 6 points on the board as the first score of the game, followed by a point after attempt that was no good.

The Warriors then claimed the lead with a touchdown punched in by Jonah Aruda (#30) followed up by a clean point after touchdown kick ending the first half. The teams headed out at halftime with the score 7-6, Warriors.

Halfway into the third quarter Kupono Cabanas (#20) ran in another touchdown followed by another successful extra point putting 14-6 on the scoreboard and Kamehameha that much more in the lead.

The Sabers offense took the field, scored and converted for an additional two points, evening the score 14-14.

Despite possessions on both sides, neither team was able to capitalize on the last three minutes of the game; it went into overtime. The Sabers had their offense out on the first possession of overtime, scoring 7 and bringing their score up to 21.

The Warriors then had a chance to one up or tie and bring this game into double overtime. Because of penalties and setbacks the Warriors scored seven as well, tying the game.

Double overtime began with Kamehameha’s offense on the field. They led a drive into the end zone, picking up only 6 followed by a failed attempt at the 2-point conversion.

The Sabers, with one last stand, took the field once more scoring a touchdown and a field goal and ending the game 28-27, Sabers.

Head coach of the Warriors, Mr. Kevin O’Brien, said of the nail-biter ending, “We snatched defeat from the jaws of victory.”

He said, ” I feel like we’re a work in progress. We had a number of chances to score, but we didn’t. We need to continue to work hard and continue to improve, but we played hard all night.”

Cabanas, who seemed to be everywhere tonight–carrying the ball, running into the end zone, and tackling Sabers–said, “I feel like everyone worked hard and that’s what we asked for, win or or lose that’s all I could ask for.”

Earlier in the day, the junior varsity team walked away with a clean victory over Maui High, 30-0

Kamehameha will play Nā Alii of King Kekaulike next Saturday, September 3, at home as they pursue their first win of the regular season.

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