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Ka Leo o Nā Koa

The student news site of Kamehameha Schools Maui

Ka Leo o Nā Koa

The student news site of Kamehameha Schools Maui

Ka Leo o Nā Koa

Lady Warrior basketball opens with loss to Sabers


The regular season opened last night for the Maui ladies’ Warrior basketball team with a loss to the Sabers of Maui High School at Kahekili Gymnasium.

The Warriors played four back and forth quarters of high intensity basketball. The game was filled with multiple turnovers and many jump ball calls.

“I felt we played well, and the girls battled, though the score didn’t reflect the outcome we tried to achieve,” Coach Mark Kaaa said.

The Warriors started off strong taking the lead early in the game, but losing it as the first quarter progressed. The Warriors rallied back in the second quarter, trailing the Sabers by 6 points, 19-25, at the half.

Coming into the third quarter, the Warriors picked up some momentum.

“I feel that after halftime, we have this mentality to persevere. The pep talk really works. We see each others’ faces and how each other feels. We pick up the intensity,” said Ashley Tanoue-Singson, sophomore center.

Though they tightened up their passing and started taking chances by shooting from the outside, the Warriors could not overcome the point difference, and despite a last rally in the fourth quarter that brought them to within 7 points of the Sabers, the Warriors lost, 37-44.

Overall, the team gave up multiple points on incomplete passes that ended up in the hands of the opponents, who capitalized on the Warrior errors by scoring.

“It was right in our grasp, but we have to work on our fundementals to make us better as a whole,” Head Coach David NeSmith said.

The Lady Warriors take on the Lunas next on Saturday, December 18, in Lāhaina at 7 p.m.

“We’re gonna work  on our shooting and play-making to prepare for Saturday’s game,” said Tori Cambra, junior point guard.

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