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Ka Leo o Nā Koa

The student news site of Kamehameha Schools Maui

Ka Leo o Nā Koa

The student news site of Kamehameha Schools Maui

Ka Leo o Nā Koa

KS Maui boys basketball comes back v. Maui High


The KS Maui Warrior boys varsity basketball team overshot the Maui High Sabers last night, ending the game with a score of 52 -32.

The Warriors led the entire game, but the Sabers pulled to within 2 points at times.

“This picked us up from our [December 28] loss against Lahaina, so hopefully we keep progressing throughout the season,” junior Luke Batoon said.

“I feel better than last night,” Head Coach Chad Kalehuawehe said. “It felt very promising to win. We brought the intensity and attacked the basket.”

This was the first game of the season for the Sabers, which was marked by many fouls called on both sides.

This lengthened the game and caused frustration for some of the fans and players. The varsity game was already running late due to the multiple fouls that were called in the junior varsity game at 3:00 p.m., according to Kamehameha Athletic Director Kurt Ginoza.

It was a defensive game from the start, with Maui High scoring the first point on a free throw, two minutes into it. That was quickly answered by a smooth layup from Warrior guard Kahiau Andrade.

It became apparent that the referees would be quick to make foul calls when, halfway through the  first quarter, Andrade had already received his second foul and Batoon soon followed receiving his second foul with 33 seconds left in the quarter.

The quarter ended with a score of 14-10, eight fouls for KSM and 6 fouls for the Sabers.

The foul-fest and the cautious defensive game continued in the second quarter with both teams exceeding 10 fouls each.

By halftime, the score, 24-22, had not changed much for the Warriors, although the Sabers had cut KSM’s 4-point lead in half.

The third quarter was much like the first, with few points put up (only 8 by the Warriors and 3 by the Sabers) and many fouls called, 4 for the Warriors and 8 for Maui High. The Sabers started to get sloppy in their ball handling and passing.

But in the fourth quarter,  the Sabers began to unravel, with three of their players fouling out.  Cheyne Vega fouled out on a technical for slamming the ball down. Freidic Sims also fouled out on a technical for chirping soon after, and they were followed later by Cody Marten who received his fifth foul for a hand check.

When asked about the many foul calls, one among the three referees said that they would not comment about them.

“This was a rough night for us,” Maui High shooting guard Lance Canosa said. “They were calling a lot of hand fouls. Our players got frustrated, but they have to learn to let that go and just play the game. We’re gonna bounce back against King Kekaulike tomorrow.”

With 2:17 left in the game and a comfortable lead, Coach Kalehuawehe subbed out the entire team. The fresh crew held their own and finished the game with the Warriors out front, 52-32.

“I think tonight’s win was a good boost for us and should help us for the rest of the season, especially because it was at home,” junior Kolby Ah Sau said.

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