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Ka Leo o Nā Koa

The student news site of Kamehameha Schools Maui

Ka Leo o Nā Koa

KSM Warriors boys volleyball loses to Moloka’i Farmers


The KS Warrior volleyball team lost to the Moloka’i Farmers at the KSM gym on March 24, 2012. The Farmers won the first, second and fourth sets.

“There was a slow start in the beginning,” Farmer BraHunSon Kaai said, “but we played hard and won.”

The first set started out with both the Warriors and the Farmers scoring point for point. The scales were tipped in the Farmers’ favor when they scored eight points on Roycee Calairo’s serves.

This gave the Farmers an edge, and they won the first set, 17-25. Kaai, Calairo, and middle blocker Isreal “Paka” Adolpho put in strong performances throughout the game, especially with their blocks and kills.

The Warriors started to play loosely in the second set, having many service errors, and except for one kill by junior Kahiau Andrade, scoring only on the Farmers’ errors.

“Service errors set the tone,” Coach Robert Brede said. “When you give them the point, it contributes to the tone.”

“Everyone was playing their own thing,” Junior Kekoa Uyechi said.

In addition to the low scoring and errors in the second set, the Warriors also seemed tired.

“I think tired is a good way to put it,” Coach Brede said. “They had no motivation.”

The Farmers won the second set 12-25, the lowest set score for the Warriors all game.

The Warriors came out strong in the third set, keeping a lead over the Farmers until halfway through when the Farmers took the lead, 10-9. But, the Warriors tied on the next servie, and then quickly regained the lead never to give it up again in the set.

“We played as a team,” Uyechi said. “The motivation and morale were very high.”

The Warriors made minimal errors in the third set, had less service errors, moved with energy, and had better blocking. Kahiau Andrade and Kawelau Yen made a good team.

“The third set is how we should play,” Coach Brede said.

Junior Kahiau Andrade made a kill as the final point of the set, ending it 25-20.

“They’re tired after a three-game weekend,” Farmers Coach Bill Dudoit said. “But it’s no excuse. They should be ready any time.”

The Warrior’s win took the game into a fourth set of a three out of five win scenario. The Warriors would’ve had to win two more sets while the Farmers only needed to win one, which they did, securing the win for the day with a score of 25-16.

The Warriors had bad timing throughout the fourth set, swinging too early or moving too late.

“Coming off of a win didn’t seem to sink in yet,” Coach Brede said. “We made the same mistakes we did in the first and second set.”

Despite the loss, the Maui Warriors were a bit of a challenge for the Moloka’i team. “KS did well today,” Coach Dudoit said.

The Warriors play the Maui High Sabers next at Maui High on Tuesday, March 27, 2012, at 6 p.m.

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