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Ka Leo o Nā Koa

The student news site of Kamehameha Schools Maui

Ka Leo o Nā Koa

The student news site of Kamehameha Schools Maui

Ka Leo o Nā Koa

Girls tennis team places second in MIL east division


The girls tennis team ended their regular season in second place in the East Division of the Maui Interscholastic League after four losses out of five matches to King Kekaulike High School tonight, April 11, at King Kekaulike.

“I think the season was very successful compared to freshman year when we came in with one coach and a new coach,” said junior Shanise Kaʻaikala.

Freshman Jaye-lyn Orikasa, who played third singles, was the only one who won her match with a score of 6-2 in the first set and 6-3 in the second set.

Junior Shanise Kaʻaikala, who played second singles, lost her match with a score of 4-6 in the first set and 1-6 in the second.

Senior Chalee Batungbacal, who played first singles, lost her match with a score of 2-6 in the first set, 6-4 in the second, and 3-6 in the third.

Sophomore Mehana Fisher and senior Abby Okazaki, who played second doubles, lost their match with a score of 3-6 in the first set, 6-3 in the second, and 2-6 in the third.

Juniors Kelcey Lorenzo and Brandi Silva, who played first doubles, lost their match with a score of 2-6 in the first set and 4-6 in the second set.

“It’s very disappointing, but it’s not over for us yet. We just have to keep moving on,” said Head Coach Nalani Cagasan.

Their team final is set to be played this Saturday, April 14, at the Wailea courts in Kihei.

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