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Ka Leo o Nā Koa

The student news site of Kamehameha Schools Maui

Ka Leo o Nā Koa

The student news site of Kamehameha Schools Maui

Ka Leo o Nā Koa

KS Maui boys volleyball puts up fight against Lunas

Junior Kekoa Uyechi save the ball while playing against the Lahainalunas at the KS gym on April 10, 2012. The Warriors lost three of the four sets.

The Kamehameha Schools Maui boys volleyball team lost three out of four sets in an evenly matched game against Lāhainaluna at the KS gym on April 10, 2012.

“Tonight was a battle,” Coach Robert Brede said, “and the Lunas won.”

The Warriors went into the game, confident and ready to take on the Lunas.

“It was a very good game,” Lāhaninaluna Coach Tommy Akima said. “Kamehameha Schools is young like us but they played their hearts out.”

The Lunas gained an early lead on the Warriors in the first set. The Warriors were able to score but mostly on errors by the Lunas.

The Warriors did catch up to the Lunas and both teams went point for point in the last stretch. Because a team must have two points over an opposing team, the first set went into “overtime,” and the Lunas ultimately gained that two-point lead to win the first set, 25-27.

The Warriors had a good lead in the second set, 8-1, but the Lunas came back quickly to tie the Warriors, 10-10.

From there, the both teams were scoring point for point. The second set consisted mainly of free balls, and the Warriors relied on quick change-ups to win, rather than powerful hits.

The Warriors took the second set 25 to 21.

The Lunas took an early lead again in the third set, which they kept halfway through until the Warriors tied and took the lead.

This was short lived as the Lunas took it back as fast as they lost it, catching up to the Warriors and winning the third set 22 to 25.

“I think we started to get a little overconfident,” Junior Manaloa Aikala said.

Possession of the ball changed multiple times during the fourth set, and the game was mostly scored point for point.

“Our teams are of the same caliber,” Coach Akima said.

The Lunas were able to gain a lead that struck fear in the Warriors and their fans late in the fourth set.

Junior Aaron Watson closed this gap with a good service run, allowing the Warriors to catch up with six points.

“Aaron had a good run,” Coach Brede said.

The Lunas won the last set, 22-25, after a failed block by the Warriors.

Despite their loss, this was the hardest the Warriors had played all season. They had the fans all worked up and cheering over the close matches and encouraged each other throughout. Unlike in previous games, you could see an intensity and focus in their faces.

“We fought until it was over,” Coach Brede said.

The Warriors also had to switch up their strategy with starting freshnman Tana Tua on the disabled list for the game.

The Warriors continue to try to turn around a losing season (1-8) when they play against the Maui High Sabers this Thursday, April 12, at home.

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