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Ka Leo o Nā Koa

The student news site of Kamehameha Schools Maui

Ka Leo o Nā Koa

The student news site of Kamehameha Schools Maui

Ka Leo o Nā Koa

KS Maui water polo victorious in last regular season game


The Kamehameha Schools Maui girls won 11-6 against the Maui High Sabers in their last game of the Maui Interscholastic League season on April 17, 2012, at Pi’ilani Pool.

“Our team has come together as a team finally and stuck it out until the end. It’s really impressive to me, and I’m really happy about that,” said sophomore Leimana Hassett.

In the first quarter of the game, junior Liana Lewis scored two goals. Lewis also had seven saves for the game. The lady Warriors took the lead in the first quarter with the score 2-0.

During the second quarter, KS Maui and Maui High battled it out. Sophomore Kela Killam, junior Anuhea Ka‘iaokamālie, and senior Makamae Palos each scored one point. Maui High scored three points as well. The score at the end of the second quarter was 5-3 with KS Maui in the lead.

Palos scored two goals during the third quarter. The Warriors were winning, 7-3.

Maui High’s Marisa Cousin scored a goal for the Sabers. The third quarter ended at 7-4, KS Maui remained in the lead.

The fourth quarter was action packed as the Warriors fought for victory in their last game of the season. Ka’iaokamālie wowed the fans by scoring three more goals, and Maui High scored another two goals.

“My highlight of the game was the last couple minutes of the game when all the seniors and some of the other people who don’t get as much playing time got to go in. Also, when we scored our last goal in the final quarter,” Ka‘iaokamālie said.

The score was 10-6 when Palos scored the last goal of her high school water polo career with less than a minute remaining in the fourth quarter.

The KS Maui girls finished their season with 4 wins and 4 losses.

“I’m proud of the improvement that we’ve made from the beginning of the season to now. I feel that we’re at a point where we can beat any school in the MIL,” said head Coach Leo Delatori.

The Warriors move on to compete in the MIL tournament beginning on Wednesday, April 25, in Kihei at 6:30 p.m. The winner will challenge Lahainaluna on Friday, April 27, for a state tournament berth.

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