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Ka Leo o Nā Koa

The student news site of Kamehameha Schools Maui

Ka Leo o Nā Koa

The student news site of Kamehameha Schools Maui

Ka Leo o Nā Koa

Cross Country: Warriors keep their eyes on long-term prize

Jesse Armeral races to a finish at the first MIL Cross Country meet of the season at Keopuolai Park, August 25 2012

KAHULUI – Maui Warrior cross country runners raced to the finish line at Keopuolani Park, but they have their sights set on long-term goals for the season.

Like many of the first meets of the season, this Maui Interscholastic League #1 was the bottom line. All that is left to do is improve, and that is what the team is pushing towards.

Senior captain Victoria Alakai said, “I want for the boy’s to be able to place in the MIL, and [I want] the girls…to do just as well.”  She also said that she wants the team to be more closely knit  and individually strong.

Another senior and return runner Kapa’ia Gormley said, “My goals for the season [are] to improve my times and make it to the MIL’s [championships].”

Although the team did not place at today’s meet, they said that they pushed through the heat thinking about what they can improve on for the next one.

” What really matters it what happens in the end,” Head Coach Jon Svenson said.


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