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Ka Leo o Nā Koa

The student news site of Kamehameha Schools Maui

Ka Leo o Nā Koa

The student news site of Kamehameha Schools Maui

Ka Leo o Nā Koa

Girls volleyball sweeps Nā Ali’i in three sets

Girls volleyball sweeps Nā Alii in three sets

The KSM varsity girls volleyball Warriors won three sets against King Kekaulike High School on Thursday, September 13, at the King Kekaulike gymnasium.

“The biggest thing that was real apparent was the communication. The girls talking with each other, letting each other know who’s got what and listening to each other. Those are all life-lessons that we try to teach them every day in practice, and they’re doing it well,” Head Coach Bala Spencer said.

The girls started off the first set with aggression and beat Nā Ali’i 25-10. The team was on a roll with thirteen kills, three aces and one roof. Senior Sienna Davis ended the first set with an ace, putting the Maui Warriors in the lead for the game.

As the team gathered in with Coach Bala after the first set, the players looked relaxed, focused and ready to take on Nā Ali’i for the second set of the game. As the buzzer started, the KSM Warriors started off with their infamous “ayyy” call and got down to business.

The Maui Warriors won during a quick second set, ending with the score 25-14. Nā Ali’i made many service errors, making it easier for the KSM Warriors. Junior Emma Yen made three kills during the second set and seniors Sienna Davis and Raven Poepoe had two each.

The team high-fived and congratulated each other as they switched sides for their last set of the game against King Kekaulike.

“We kept our energy going by cheering each other on and staying positive the entire time,” senior Bobbi-Lin Kalama said.

The third set was the closest of the game. The Maui Warriors won 25-20, with nine kills, three aces and one roof.

“The motivation came from each other. We all wanted to just finish the game quick and make the least amount of errors as possible,” Kalama said.

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