The student news site of Kamehameha Schools Maui

Ka Leo o Nā Koa

The student news site of Kamehameha Schools Maui

Ka Leo o Nā Koa

The student news site of Kamehameha Schools Maui

Ka Leo o Nā Koa

KSM paddlers endure rough conditions at first MIL regatta


The Kamehameha Schools Maui paddling crews faced harsh winds and surf during the first Maui Interscholastic League regatta on Saturday, December 15, at Kahului Harbor.

With waves averaging three feet and winds gusting up to 40 mph, the conditions weren’t ideal, but the paddlers did not let that interfere with their races, winning two first and two second places in the varsity races.

“Today is very windy, so…that will have a big factor in our times as well as our races. Whoever can push through the winds and use the winds to their advantage are going to get the best times,” senior Bryce Takabayashi said.

He later placed first with the varsity boys 1 crew. The varsity mixed 2 crew also had a first-place finish.

Surprisingly, there were only a couple of disqualifications in the varsity races due to racing flags being buried on the turns.

Since this was the first MIL regatta, crews were still adjusting to paddling against other schools. Nine schools competed in the regatta, including Lāna’i and Moloka’i High Schools.

Here are the results from today’s regatta:

JV Girls I
1st Baldwin High School
2nd Moloka’i High School
3rd King Kekaulike High School
KSM placed 5th

JV Girls II
1st Moloka’i High School
2nd King Kekaulike High School
3rd Seabury High School
KSM placed 4th

JV Mix I
1st Maui High School
2nd Baldwin High School
3rd Lāhainaluna High School
KSM placed 5th

1st Seabury High School
2nd Baldwin High School
3rd Lāhainaluna High School
KSM placed 6th

Varsity Girls I
1st Seabury High School
2nd Kamehameha Schools Maui
3rd Moloka’i High School

Varsity Boys I
1st Kamehameha Schools Maui
2nd Seabury High School
3rd Maui High School

Varsity Boys II
1st Seabury High School
2nd Kamehameha Schools Maui
3rd Maui High School

Varsity Mixed II
1st Kamehameha Schools Maui
2nd Baldwin High School
3rd Lāna’i High School

The next regatta is on Saturday, January 5, at Kahului Harbor. The first race starts at 10:30 a.m.

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