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Ka Leo o Nā Koa

The student news site of Kamehameha Schools Maui

Ka Leo o Nā Koa

The student news site of Kamehameha Schools Maui

Ka Leo o Nā Koa

Boys soccer Warriors blank out Dragons 7-0


The Kamehameha Maui boys soccer team beat the Hāna Dragons 7 – 0 at Kanaʻiaupuni Stadium on Friday, Dec. 21, 2012.

“It feels good to play a game with no scores on us,” senior Devonte Llanes said.

The Warriors were quick and aggressive with the ball early in the game, making several attempts to score during the first ten minutes. These were thwarted by the Dragons’ goalie, Jordan Redo-Rost, who made some fantastic saves for Hāna throughout the game.

Freshman Kona Dancil made the first Warrior goal of the game 12 minutes in with an assist from Junior Chandler Alo.

Alo made three more attempts soon after, He was blocked twice, but the third kick went in after it hit the Dragon’s goal post and ricocheted in.

“I was really nervous that it would bounce and miss,” Alo said.

The Warriors continued to play aggressively. Freshmen Nainoa Silva, Kaisyn Lee, Brennan Joaquin and sophomore Austin MacArthur each made several attempts to score.

With the Warriors keeping the pressure on the Dragons, Alo scored for the second time in the first half with an assist from Senior Taylor Kaaukai.

“We are consistent as a team,” Alo said. “We work together.”

Near the end of the first half, the Dragons caught the Warriors off guard and made their way down to the Kamehameha goal. When the Warriors committed a foul, Hāna got a free kick.

With a few yards between the Warrior’s goal and the ball in the Dragons’ hands, the Warriors set up a wall in front of their goal while the Warriors goalie Acer Pahukoa dug in low ready to block. The Warriors prevented the Dragons from scoring and stalled until half time.

“I was nervous,” Pahukoa said. “But I told myself ‘Just go.’”

The Warriors were three points ahead of the Dragons who still had yet to score.

The Warriors came back in the second half playing just as hard as they did the first half. Junior Avinash Singh made a quick goal in the first five minutes while Joaquin scored just seconds later, making it 5-0 for the Warriors.

The Dragons again made their way to the Warrior’s goal and took a shot, which was blicked by Llanes, playing in the goalie position for the first time this season.

“It’s nerve racking being in there,” Llanes said, “but it is a fun position.”

With an assist from Silva, Kaaukai scored a goal, a much anticipated part of the game for the Warrior fans.

Pahukoa, who rotated into the forward position while Llanes held down his poistion at the Warriors’ goal, made the last score of the night, sealing the win, 7-0.

“Our team played great,” Pahukoa said. “The practices really paid off.”

“It was a good game,” Head Coach Kimo Correa said. “Both teams played their best.”

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