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Ka Leo o Nā Koa

The student news site of Kamehameha Schools Maui

Ka Leo o Nā Koa

The student news site of Kamehameha Schools Maui

Ka Leo o Nā Koa

Warriors beat Sabers, move into second place for MIL


The KS Maui Warrior boys soccer team took possession of the ball and kept pressure on the Maui High Sabers Tuesday night, January 22, 2013. The Warriors won 5-1, a bonus for their celebration of Senior Night.

“I think we played well,” Senior Stephen Barut said, “but we can always do better.”

The Warriors were in possession of the ball for the most part of the game, making several shots.

They pushed hard against Saber goalkeeper, Pani Kapisi, who made nine saves during the first half of the game, with 15 saves for the night.

“Their goalie was really good,” Head Coach Kimo Correa said.

The Warriors got by Kapisi with only ten seconds left in the first half. He initially blocked sophomore Micah Alo’s shot, but junior Chandler Alo followed up and scored before Kapisi could get back into position.

It was still anybody’s game at the end of the first half. The score was 1-0 in the Warriors’ favor.

“It was a good way to finish the half,” Micah said. “It motivates us and boosts our morale.”

The Warriors controlled the ball most of the second half and made another nine attempts to score. Kapisi blocked six of the attempts, but Micah, freshman Kona Dancil, junior Daniel Quenga, and Senior Kainalu Kealoha brought in four points for the Warriors.

“The goals are stress relievers…they help lessen the pressure,” Micah said.

The Sabers scored with eighteen minutes left in the first half, the first and only point of the game, and the night ended, 5-1, Warriors.

The KS Maui seniors were congratulated with lei, pictures, and other gifts at the end of the game.

The Warriors moved into second place for the MIL championship after the Nā Aliʻi moved the Baldwin Bears to third place.

“We have a states mindset,” Barut said. “MIL champions is also on the list.”

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