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Ka Leo o Nā Koa

The student news site of Kamehameha Schools Maui

Ka Leo o Nā Koa

The student news site of Kamehameha Schools Maui

Ka Leo o Nā Koa

Baseball Warriors go 2-1 in weekend series vs. Lunas


The Kamehameha Maui Warriors came out ahead in the first regular season weekend series, winning two of the three games they played against Lahainaluna at Iron Maehara Stadium.

The Warriors lost the game on Friday, March 15, with the victory going to the Lunas, 5-3. The Warriors’ winning scores were 11-1 on Thursday and 6-1 on Saturday.

On Friday, the Warriors fought it out to the end. The Lunas started the game with three home runs in the first inning to one RBI by catcher Tyler Harry, bringing center fielder Cal Alexander home. The first inning ended 3-1, with the Lunas up.

“The most challenging aspect about today was trying not to hang our heads and stay up because they jumped up early,” said Harry, the only senior on this year’s team.

The following innings were competitive as both the Warriors and Lunas did not get any more of their players to home base.

In the fifth inning, both the Lunas and the Warriors scored twice more. Cal Alexander came home on another RBI by Harry and right fielder Chase Alexander  hit a single, then advanced on hits by Harry and TJ Kanamu. When a pitch to Kaʻimi Gilliland went wild and bounced behind the plate, Chase dashed for home and brought in the third and last Warriors’ score of the night.

Neither team could score in the last two innings, and the game ended with the Lunas ahead by two.

This was a tough conclusion as the Warriors had won the game the night before by a margin of ten runs, but the boys came back the following night winning decisively again.

“The boys did good. The only thing is when we hit it, we hit it right at them. And if we keep swinging the way we do, we should have a good season,” said Head Coach Brandon Kanamu.

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