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Ka Leo o Nā Koa

The student news site of Kamehameha Schools Maui

Ka Leo o Nā Koa

The student news site of Kamehameha Schools Maui

Ka Leo o Nā Koa

Girls water polo defeats Sabers

Both KSM Warriors and MHS Sabers water polo team play under the sunset at the Kihei Aquatic Center on March 28, 2013.

The KS Maui ladies water polo team scored 17 goals over Maui High’s 9 goals in their game on March 28, 2013, at the Kīhei Aquatic Center.

Sophomore Mia Czerwinski started off the game with the first two goals, and later in the game scored five more of the 17 goals.

“I think that putting in the techniques and strategies that I have been taught really helped me play a good game,” she said.

At the beginning of spring break, Josh Guth, brother of Senior Elizabeth Guth joined the team as Assistant Coach. He has been helping the girls throughout the break by bringing in new workouts and drills.

“Our team has definitely improved since we got an assistant coach,” Coach Kaylan Ramirez said. “We have been able to split up the team. He can take half the team, and I can take half the team, and we can work drills and then put it together.”

She also said that he has a lot of experience because he played both high school and college water polo, and with his experience, he has a better understanding of the field.

The rest of the game went fairly slowly because of the many fouls that were called, but it gave the team many opportunities to score more goals.

The girls took this opportunity  to shoot constantly. Senior Elizabeth Guth scored twice and junior Leimana Hassett scored three times, junior Tianna Yonemura, sophomore Mical Ventura, and Freshman Lia Ikeda also scored.

“I think the girls played really well. It was awesome,” Coach Ramirez said

She still feels that there are some changes that should be made, like getting better at taking the time to shoot and calming down in the game.

Despite the loss, the Sabers’ coach, Risa Yarborough (’07), felt her girls did exceptionally well.

“I am actually really surprised; we had one girl who just started today, so we just told her all the rules before the game.”

The KSM Warriors will be playing the Sabers again on Thursday at 6:oo p.m. at their home pool.

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