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Ka Leo o Nā Koa

The student news site of Kamehameha Schools Maui

Ka Leo o Nā Koa

The student news site of Kamehameha Schools Maui

Ka Leo o Nā Koa

Boys volleyball beats Lāhainaluna in three sets

Walter Kaeo digs at Kaʻulaheanui Gymnasium on April 2, 2013. The Warriors won in three sets against the Lahaninaluna Lunas.

The KS Maui Warrior boys volleyball team beat the Lāhaninaluna Lunas in three sets on April 2, 2013, at Kaʻualaheanuiokamoku Gym. This victory puts the Warriors at an even 3-3 in wins and losses. They are currently tied for second in the Maui Interscholastic League.

“A win is always spectacular,” Head Coach Robert Brede said. “However, I still think that they did not play to the best of their ability.”

The Warriors were quick to get a few points over the Lunas at the start of the first set, increasing and holding the lead by nine to ten points for the majority of the set. Near the end of the set, the Warriors made some small errors that allowed the Lunas to add four points to their score from 24-14 to 24-18 before the Warriors closed it out and won the set at 25-18.

Senior outside hitter Kahiau Andrade was the point leader for the night with 16 kills, nine of them in the first set.

“We did pretty good,” he said.

Led by some decisive kills by senior RJ Moku, the Warriors were able take another strong lead at the beginning of the second set, getting up to nine points on the Lunas with the score 19-10. However, the Lunas started to make a comeback, stopping the Warriors at 20 and closing the lead to only two points.

The Warriors narrowly won the second set 25-22, with additional kills by seniors Andrade, Manaloa Aikala, Christian Martin Chu, Kolby Ah Sau, and Kawelau Yen. Senior Kekoa Uyechi also had a string of three aces in this set.

“We lost our level of intensity and momentum in the second set,” Coach Brede said. “We need to keep it high in order to force the other team to make errors and give us points. If we don’t keep it high, we let them score on us.”

The Warriors were relentless when scoring points in the final set. They scored 21 points before the Lunas scored into the double digits. With a strong lead, Coach Brede put in two alternates.

Two freshmen on the team, Chyalis Min and Craden Kailiehu, got to play for the first time this year in the third set.

“Our goal was to make sure everyone got to play,” Coach Brede said. “Tonight, we reached that goal.”

With Min and Kailiehu warming up to the game, the Lunas took an opportunity to slowly add ten points to their score, but the Warriors ended the set and the night with another win, 25-14.

Come out tomorrow night to watch the Warriors take on King Kekaulike, currently in fourth place, on the Warrior home court at 6:15 p.m.

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