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Ka Leo o Nā Koa

The student news site of Kamehameha Schools Maui

Ka Leo o Nā Koa

The student news site of Kamehameha Schools Maui

Ka Leo o Nā Koa

Review: Another Sparks film wows in ‘The Lucky One’


Another Nicholas Sparks novel has come to life in the new film The Lucky One, starring Zac Efron, Taylor Schilling and Blythe Danner. The movie opened in theaters Friday, April 20, 2012.

The Lucky One is a touching story about a Marine, Logan Thibault (Zac Efron), who survives three tours in Iraq after finding a photo of a woman (Taylor Schilling) in some rubble. He decides he will find this woman, this guardian angel, and travels all the way to North Carolina where he not only finds his ‘angel’ but something he wasn’t expecting: love.

Efron nailed his role as the lonely, recovering Marine and makes it almost impossible for viewers to not form an attachment with such a character. His charisma just radiates off the screen. He is no stranger to dramas, witness his performance in Charlie St. Cloud, and it seems he has quite a talent for the complicated characters.

Efron’s co-star, Taylor Schilling, makes a sparkling appearance as Beth Green in her first major role . For an actress who has not been in many movies, she was moving in her performance as Beth. To play a woman who struggles with the death of a brother, a controlling ex-husband and a single mother is no small feat, and she seemed to capture Beth with ease. I look forward to future Schilling films.

The actors did well in bringing the story to life, but the scenery was absolutely marvelous! The scenes shot at sunset were particularly magical. The swamps, rivers and fields were drenched in all sorts of amazing color and made you want to experience such beauty in person. Although The Lucky One takes place in North Carolina, the film was shot in Louisiana, and the location could not have been chosen more perfectly.

Sparks has done it again, and the tale may not be much of a tearjerker like his other films/novels, but it is still an excellent story, and I offer it four out of five stars. I suggest that anyone who enjoys a heartwarming drama will enjoy The Lucky One.

The Lucky One is now playing at the Maui Mall Megaplex.

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