The student news site of Kamehameha Schools Maui

Ka Leo o Nā Koa

The student news site of Kamehameha Schools Maui

Ka Leo o Nā Koa

The student news site of Kamehameha Schools Maui

Ka Leo o Nā Koa

Hoʻomau, Hoe Waʻa–short films seek to inspire

Hoe Waʻa poster

To perpetuate Hawaiian culture, seniors Kekoa Uyechi and Maleko Lorenzo’s short documentary films were unveiled to the KS Maui community last night at Keōpuolani Hale.

The documentaries were Hoʻomau by Uyechi and Hoe Waʻa by Lorenzo.

Hoʻomau was about understanding sustainability through an ancient Hawaiian sensibility.

It featured Kumu Kuʻulei Alcomindras-Palakiko, Kumu Pueo Pata, and Mr. Daryl Fujiwara, who spoke about Hawaiian culture and how it has changed. It also spoke about how people are – in modern times – wanting to learn about it.

“It [the mini-documentary] seeks to inspire and revitalize the idea of sustainability as one of the ancient ideas instead of modern,” Uyechi said.

“It was an unprecedented look into sustainability. No [KSM] student has ever done something like this before,” said Uyechi’s adviser and Digital Video Production teacher, Mr. Jay Paa.

Lorenzo created Hoe Waʻa in hopes of inspiring others to engage in the paddling community. The video followed him through his first OC1 [one-man canoe] Maliko to Kanaha race and his PAʻA Kaiwi Solo race.

The PAʻA Kaiwi Solo race was the first sponsored race in which he placed first.

“It was a very creative look into the paddling world,” Mr. Paa said.

Featured in the video was Kai Bartlett–world champion paddler, owner of the manufacturing company Kai Wa’a Hawaiian Ocean Canoes, and Lorenzo’s mentor. He spoke about how training and paddling would help youth grow in positive ways.

“It teaches good aspects in life…it teaches discipline,” he said.

The documentaries were presented as part of the monthly Ka Huliau program, which showcases performances and films of interest to the Hawaiian community.

If you missed it, the films will air intermittently on Channel 52, Akaku Maui Community Television, in the near future.

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