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Ka Leo o Nā Koa

The student news site of Kamehameha Schools Maui

Ka Leo o Nā Koa

The student news site of Kamehameha Schools Maui

Ka Leo o Nā Koa

The Road Taken takes the stage November 2, 3


The Kamehameha Schools Maui Drama Club presents The Road Taken by Brad Slaight. The collection of three one-act plays premieres tonight, Nov. 2, 2012, at Keōpūolani Hale at 7:30 p.m.

The themes of the plays center around decision-making throughout life, especially for teenagers. As a result, the subjects and language of the plays are suitable for older children, teens and adults.

Director Alexis Dascoulias chose this play to focus on the students’ acting. “Acting is all about honesty,” she said. “It shows REAL people doing REAL things.”

The first play, “The Open Road.” shows the turmoil brewing between Amanda and Jack Sommers, whose 17-year-old son, Alan, now emulates famous poet Walt Whitman. Jack intends to find the root of the problem.

The cast of “The Open Road” (in order of appearance) is:

  • senior Kaili Mossman as Amanda Sommers
  • junior Kekoa Yamada as Jack Sommers
  • senior Landon Ballesteros as Alan Sommers

“Joy Ride” follows four best friends – Joy, Cyndy, Amy and Samantha – as they take a drive to Joy’s boyfriend’s college. On the drive, a shocking secret is revealed.

The cast of “Joy Ride” (in order of appearance) is:

  • senior Lindsay Watson as Joy
  • senior Amber Kama as Cyndy
  • junior Kodi Joyo as Amy
  • sophomore Carolynn Krueger as Samantha

In the final play, talk show host Ryan Schofield (junior Shane Borge) hosts his own show “Up Late with Ryan” who brings in people from his life to interview. He must come to grips with a painful memory and accept it as part of his life and move on.

The cast of “Up Late with Ryan” (in order of appearance) includes:

  • Mossman as Melissa
  • freshman Danann Mitchell as Charise
  • junior Lexis Viena as Valarie
  • Borge as Ryan
  • sophomore Kaylee Thompson as Miriam
  • junior Alia Hurdle as Jana
  • senior Kapaʻiaʻokumukahi Gormley as Zack

KSM students are also working on the production crew, managing the stage, lighting, set, and sound. They senior James Krueger, junior Justin Fernandez, and freshmen Makayla Imaoka and Danann Mitchell.

The Road Taken has a limited two-night run, and will only be performed once more, this Saturday, Nov. 3 at 7:30 p.m. The production is open to the public, and admission is free.

If you miss this show, the Drama Club will be back in the spring with their second production of the year. Auditions for the spring musical, Godspell, begin on Dec. 3, 2012, and Godspell will premiere March 15, 2013.

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