The student news site of Kamehameha Schools Maui

Ka Leo o Nā Koa

The student news site of Kamehameha Schools Maui

Ka Leo o Nā Koa

The student news site of Kamehameha Schools Maui

Ka Leo o Nā Koa

High school open house offers chance to meet, greet

Families pick up schedules and maps for the high school’s Open House on August 23.

Parents, students and staff convened at Kamehameha Schools Maui high school campus Tuesday, August 23, for Open House.

The event was opened with a prayer and short message by Kahu Kalani Wong.

Because the spring Open House event has been discontinued, his remarks were followed by 9-10 Principal Lance Cagasan, who introduced the faculty of the ninth and tenth grade teams. Academies Principal Jay-R Kaawa then introduced the academy teachers. In this way, parents could see all of the high school’s teachers, including the ones their students will have only in the second semester.

After the teachers went to their rooms to prepare, the co-principals walked throughout the audience and quizzed parents about information that was shared in the introduction. If the question was answered correctly, the participant received either a KSM hat or t-shirt.

Then, parents headed to class. National Honor Society students were posted around the campus to help parents find their students’ classrooms.

“I like that we’re able to help out. A lot of the parents have never been here before,” NHS member Chalee Batungbacal said.

Parents attended their students’ classes in 10-minute intervals. Teachers expounded on their curricula and discussed student expectations.

“I’m always emailing my daughter’s teachers, so it’s good to actually put a face to the person I’m sending it to,” said Ms. Brenda Chang, parent of sophomore Kiana-Lei Chang.

For some parents, this was the last in an annual tradition. Ms. Kathy Tanaka has attended every Open House since her senior son, Corey, began at KS Maui in the third grade.

“My Open House experience has been great. I enjoy meeting the teachers,” Ms. Tanaka said.

Likewise, art teacher Ms. Levi Mason said she enjoys meeting parents as well. “I like that they get to see the facilities. They can walk around the room and see what their students have done in class,” Ms. Mason said.

Students gave Open House a positive rating, too.

“My parents get to see what I go through every day. I think it’s really effective in involving the parents in their children’s education,” Senior Taylor Harris said.

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