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Ka Leo o Nā Koa

The student news site of Kamehameha Schools Maui

Ka Leo o Nā Koa

The student news site of Kamehameha Schools Maui

Ka Leo o Nā Koa

KSM varsity boys soccer snags first season win


PUKALANI – The Kamehameha Schools Maui varsity boys soccer team won against Lahainaluna 3-2 Tuesday, Dec. 20, 2011 at KSM.

The strong wind and rain played a large role in the game, pushing the players to work either with or against it.

“It helped out with a couple of goals in the beginning,” Head Coach Paul McGrew said.

Lahainaluna scored the first goal of the game in the 8th minute, despite being forced back by the wind, which was in favor of Kamehameha during the first half.

Sophomore Kailoa Akoi of Kamehameha followed this with two consecutive goals in the 11th and 14th minutes.

Coach McGrew said that both goals were direct kicks from about 35 yards out.

The teams switched sides for the second half of the game, which required junior goalie Acer Pahukoa to stop Lahainaluna’s many wind-powered shots.

“It affected the game a lot. The wind was definitely blasting the ball. The game ended up being close, when, on paper, it should have been a blowout,” Pahukoa said.

Senior Alika Ribao scored Kamehameha’s third goal with 24 minutes left in the game, cheered on by a damp but vocal crowd well-equipped with jackets, blankets and umbrellas.

Lahainaluna scored their second goal with 4 minutes left in the game.

“We worked as a team. We were able to keep our composure when they scored their second goal, and that motivated us to keep a strong defense,” junior sweeper Kainalu Kealoha said.

Kamehameha boys soccer record for the season is now 1-1-1.

Fans will be able to watch the team play their next game on Tuesday, Dec 27, 2011, at their home stadium against the Maui High Sabers.

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