The student news site of Kamehameha Schools Maui

Ka Leo o Nā Koa

The student news site of Kamehameha Schools Maui

Ka Leo o Nā Koa

The student news site of Kamehameha Schools Maui

Ka Leo o Nā Koa

KSM golfers even their record with Baldwin by a win


KSM’s golf team had a close call in their match against Baldwin at the Kahili Golf Course on Friday, March 23, 2012. The Warriors were able to beat Baldwin by 5 strokes with a total of 159.

This match was a pivotal win. KSM suffered their first loss of the season in their last match against Baldwin on the previous day. Now, KSM  and Baldwin are tied with each team at one loss.

Coach Brian Kamimoto said that the triumph in yesterday’s match opened up a good opportunity to finish the season at the MIL Championship.

“It was their attitude that was the difference.  They knew they needed to win this game, so that motivated them and gave them the determination to play hard and be a team. They did what they needed to do,” he said.

Senior Aaron Kunitomo improved by 2 strokes from the last match with a  36 strokes for the day.

Kunitomo said that three of the most important things he has learned from golf are to remember to be humble and respectful and to have integrity.

“Golf is more than just the game. It’s also about learning life lessons and strengthening your character,” he said.

Senior Kyeton Littel added that perseverance, having good judgment and being open to learning are also keys to success in golfing.

Senior Kamuela Borge said that he has learned that his secret to success is remaining relaxed.

“I think I golf better when I’m not so tense. I tend to play better when I’m mellow, so I can focus,” Borge said.

There are three seniorss, one sophomore and one freshman on the team. Despite of their age differences, the team is close, helping each other progress. The team has improved their overall morale through bonding activities like engaging in community service.

“I’m proud of the team. They all pulled for each other and help each other out with their support,” Coach Kamimoto said.

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