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Ka Leo o Nā Koa

The student news site of Kamehameha Schools Maui

Ka Leo o Nā Koa

The student news site of Kamehameha Schools Maui

Ka Leo o Nā Koa

JV girls volleyball Warriors ace match against Nā Aliʻi


The KSM JV girls volleyball team won three sets against King Kekaulike High School on September 6 at the King Kekaulike gymnasium.

“I think we have a really talented JV team, and we’re just getting better and better,” Coach Olivia Solomon said.

The Warriors opened up the first set in a 4-1 lead over Nā Aliʻi. Their lead was constant, owing to many successful aces, kills, and blocks. The tight-knit control of the ball on both defense and offense on the Warriors’ side appeared to be a key part to their success. The Warriors concluded the first set 25-10.

Nā Aliʻi served up the second set with a 4-0 lead over the Warriors. A block by freshman Kaira Davis put the Warriors back on the board. The back-and-forth scores on both teams eventually came out to a 10-10 tie halfway through the game. Kandace Ota contributed two aces to broaden the Warriors’ lead, and they won the second set 25-15.

Pumped up as ever, the Warriors breezed through an extra set and won the game 25-6.

Middle blocker Kaira Davis had a lot of time on the court. She felt that the Warriors owed their victory to their communication skills.

“The highlight of the game was when everyone was communicating well and we started off the game well,” Davis said.

There were many instances when the ball was dropped on Nā Aliʻi’s side. “They need to work on their passing more,” Davis said.

She said that the Warriors needed some improvement too, due to the many services and spikes that went out-of-bounds.

“I think we can improve more on the overpasses,” she said.

Nonetheless, their coach feels that the team is making great progress and heading in the right direction.

“I feel confident in every single one of them,” Coach Solomon said.

The JV Warriors’ next game is on Saturday, September 8, at 12:30 p.m. at Kaʻulaheanuiokamoku gym. The varsity game starts right afterward, at 2:00.

The varsity volleyball girls also won tonight’s matches in three sets 25-20, 25-17 and 25-10.

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