Cardoza crowned Holy Ghost Feast Queen

Photo by courtesy of Chrystal Cardoza

Senior Chrystal Cardoza is crowned as the Holy Ghost Feast Queen by Holy Ghost Catholic Church for her service and role as a leader in her church and community.

Senior Chrystal Cardoza was crowned the Holy Ghost Feast Queen by the Holy Ghost Catholic Church for her service and exemplary behavior last weekend.

“I cried when I got the news,” Cardoza said.

The title is given to one senior girl each year, who attends Holy Ghost Catholic Church. The title recognizes Saint Queen Isabel of Portugal, who is admired by the Catholic Church because of her devotion to her faith and for her service to the community.

Holy Ghost Catholic Church puts on a feast each year during Pentecost as a tradition that honors a feast that Queen Isabel put on to feed her starving people. The church’s feast committee chooses a senior for the title, who represents both her and the church well by demonstrating both service and sacrifice.

The committee creates a ballot of church seniors who they see helping out often, but the candidates don’t know if they are on the ballot. Whoever gets the most votes is chosen as that year’s feast queen to represent Queen Isabel.

“Queen Isabel is one of my favorite saints, and I idolize her because she was willing to risk her own life to help others,” Cardoza said. “She is selfless, charitable and pure. It was so humbling that God gave me the honor of bearing her legacy.”

Chrystal Cardoza releases a dove to begin the Holy Ghost Feast.
Photo by courtesy of Chrystal Cardoza
Chrystal Cardoza releases a dove to begin the Holy Ghost Feast.

Cardoza is an active member of her church and has taken on leadership roles like Eucharistic Minister and aide to the catechism teacher. She is also a member of the youth ministry. These sorts of services are what helped Cardoza to be chosen for the title.

“I grew up in this parish, so it was an honor that the committee selected me as this year’s feast queen,” Cardoza said.

Before the Holy Ghost Feast, Cardoza participated in a ceremony in which she placed a crown on a  decorated booth to represent when Queen Isabel offered her crown to the alter as a form of thanks. Chrystal then released a dove to symbolize the Holy Ghost and to mark the beginning of the feast, which was basically a free lūʻau for the community.

Overall, Cardoza said that she wants to represent Queen Isabel well, and hopes to continue her legacy of service.

“No matter where I am in life, I know I have the responsibility of serving the greater community as she did,” Cardoza said.