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Ka Leo o Nā Koa

The student news site of Kamehameha Schools Maui

Ka Leo o Nā Koa

The student news site of Kamehameha Schools Maui

Ka Leo o Nā Koa

Review: Aloha Kalikimaka spreads holiday cheer

Freshman Carly Kiaha conducts the crowd during the Hawaiian Ensemble Christmas Concert on Dec. 8, 2011.

Christmas concert is the kind of student production you go to when you want to get those warm, fuzzy feelings in your heart.

As the KSM choir and Hawaiian Ensemble serenaded us, we couldn’t help but imagine snow-covered Christmas trees, hot chocolate, and gifts wrapped in shiny wrapping paper. This was my experience on December 8 at Keopuolani Hale at the Aloha Kalikimaka Christmas concert.

The music was fantastic! They performed Christmas carols that everyone knew–the real holiday classics that made it easy for people to sit back and relax.

The audience was tapping their feet and nodding their heads in accompaniment to the selections that included everything from the traditional hymn O Holy Night to the ’70s contemporary Merry Christmas, Darling, originally performed by The Carpenters.

The singers looked smashing in their dress w hites that evoked images of angels. The stage was decorated with a Christmas tree and poinsettas, and the girls wore red roses in their hair, which added a nice splash of Christmas color.

The audience was small, but lively, and everyone was all smiles–always a good sign.

The concert offered something for everyone. There was vocal and instrumental music (of course), sing-alongs join in on, and emcee Christopher Kim told some pretty good jokes in-between that got the audience chuckling and in a holiday mood.

But, junior Iwalani Kaaa also told a story of a little boy, a doll, and a white rose that also left half the audience in tears as they were made to think about the true meaning of Christmas giving.

The concert was a pleasure to attend. I was entertained by the lyrical voices of the student performers. The solo by choir senior Mason-Mahoe Pellazar was right on pitch and beautifully sung in a clear and rich baritone, and the hula solo by Hulali Brown of the Hawaiian Ensemble was so graceful and lovely.

After the performances had come to a close, the singers gave out candy canes as a souvenir and take-home reminder that the Christmas season is here. I left feeling full of the spirit of the season.

My only regret is that it wasn’t longer. I was left wanting a little more, another song, another dance, or another story. Still though, it was fun to be a part of, and everyone had a good time.

If you missed out this year, the Christmas concert is a must see for next year. With the feel-good singing and the warm-hearted atmosphere, the Christmas concert has something in it for everyone.

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