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Ka Leo o Nā Koa

The student news site of Kamehameha Schools Maui

Ka Leo o Nā Koa

The student news site of Kamehameha Schools Maui

Ka Leo o Nā Koa

Movie Review: Insidious makes audience want more

Movie Review: Insidious makes audience want more

Looking for a scare this weekend? PG-13 thriller Insidious captivates the audience from beginning to end through the fear of evil spirits complemented by suspenseful music.

The movie begins with an ordinary happy family moving into a new house looking to start a better life. Josh and Renai Lambert (Patrick Wilson and Rose Byrne), along with their three children soon learn that they live among evil apparitions after many unexplainable incidents occur within the first few days. The couple fights to rescue their oldest son Dalton (Ty Simpkins) who falls into a coma and becomes lost in The Further. They will do anything it takes, even if it means corrupting their own lives.

Director James Wan, the creator of Saw and Paranormal Activity, established an amazing twisted story line that left the audience speechless and trembling in their seats. Despite the cheesy human ghosts that frequently popped out of windows and dark corners, Wan’s efforts to casually intertwine humor with horror worked.

Main actors Wilson, Byrne and Simpkins did a superb job at persuading the audience to feel and relate to their rollercoaster of emotions.  

Insidious is a chilling, heart pounding movie that is recommended to any horror film lover who seeks a good scare.

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