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Ka Leo o Nā Koa

The student news site of Kamehameha Schools Maui

Ka Leo o Nā Koa

The student news site of Kamehameha Schools Maui

Ka Leo o Nā Koa

Play Review: ‘If You Love Me’ entertains, educates


Senior Rachel Bega charmed the audience with her singing, dancing and acting last night at the opening of If You Love Me.

If You Love Me is a local play written by Keali’iwahine Hokoana, the mother of junior Kapa’ia’okumukahi Gormley. It tells the story of college student, Lily (Bega), and the complications that take place once she is trapped in an abusive relationship.

Lily is attending the University of Hawai’i Maui Campus and competing in a local talent competition called Ka Hoku o Hawai’i. In order to support her dreams and education, Lily’s mother rents out the garage to another UHMC student named Jason. Lily becomes closely acquainted with Jason, causing tension between her and her boyfriend, Rick. When Rick becomes controlling and manipulative, Lily’s mother, best friend Tara and Jason try to help her in realizing the weight of the situation. Unfortunately, their advice falls upon deaf ears.

Although the overall message of the show was a serious one, there were a healthy amount of jokes and references to the local lifestyle woven throughout the dialogue. It helped audience members to relate personally with what was happening.

The actors played their roles exceptionally, capturing all the intensity of the serious scenes and playfulness of those that were more lighthearted. Bega’s varied talents were showcased when she sang four numbers and danced a hula.

This play was educational, yet entertaining. It brought to light the many ways abuse can be manifested in an emotional and thought-provoking way. At the end of the show, there was a short discussion session about domestic violence and what to do in real-life situations.

If You Love Me is showing at the Historic Iao Theater tonight, Oct. 15 at 7:30 p.m., tomorrow, Oct. 16 at 3:00 p.m., and there is a special matinee performance on Monday, Oct. 17, at 10:30 a.m. Tickets are still available at the door for $15.

Click here for more information.

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  • Kaili MossmanOct 15, 2011 at 11:20 pm

    HOLY MOLEY THIS PLAY IS FREAKING AMAZING!!!!!! Rachel did an absolutely magnificent job as the naive and innocent Lily. I was so frustrated with her character but at the same time, I understood her point of view. Rachel was just that good – she could totally pull of a complicated balancing act like that. Rachel wasn’t the only gem in this wonderful show; the other actors were simply splendid! Each character had a different point of view and it was interesting to see them all connect. Lily’s (Rachel’s character) boyfriend, Rick, starts off as sweet and charming and “Taylor Lautner”-ish, but somehow loses his way. Lily’s mother was so overprotective, but you can tell that it’s all out of love. The best friend, Tara, was HILARIOUS! She’s the voice of reason and logic in Lily’s life who’s had a few bumps, but manages to have a blast and enjoy life (with a slightly critical view). Last but not least is Jason. He is a rather complex character who’s renting the garage at Lily’s house. This creates a HUGE problem when Rick, Lily’s boyfriend, starts getting jealous. Jason has a dark past and the emotional range of an ocean that fills the room with static. All of these characters, and more, combine into the magnificent play that is “If You Love Me”. I definitely recommend you go see it!!!!!!!
