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Ka Leo o Nā Koa

The student news site of Kamehameha Schools Maui

Ka Leo o Nā Koa

The student news site of Kamehameha Schools Maui

Ka Leo o Nā Koa

Boys volleyball Warriors secure first win of season


The Kamehameha Maui boys volleyball team went toe-to-toe with the Lana`i Pine Lads at the KSM gym on March 17, 2012. The Warriors won all three sets, keeping a lead throughout the entire game.

The boys volleyball team started their season on March 7 where they lost to the Lahainaluna Lunas in four sets.

The Warriors also lost against the Hana Dragons last night.

Today’s victory was their first win of the season.

“We didn’t have as much errors as we did last night,” sophomore Erin Lindsey said.

The first set was dominated by the Warriors, who kept the Pine Lads’ score in the single digits. The first set ended 25-7.

Junior Kahiau Andrade was able to gain three kills in the first set, and junior Aaron Watson hit two aces.

“I think we did rather well as a team,” Andrade said.

The Pine Lads gained some momentum in the second set where they started the game scoring point for point with the Warriors. This quickly faded when Andrade had a 15-point scoring run, bringing the Warriors from 6 points to 21, while the Pine Lads remained at 5.

Junior Christian Martin Chu and Sophomore Lindsey got two kills each in the second set, and the second set ended, 25-9, Warriors.

“Most importantly, we hit our serves in,” Head Coach Robert Brede said. “We scored on their errors. Serves were the key to our success.”

The Warriors play slackened in the third set, while the Pine Lads played harder, breaking into the double digits for the first time.

“I think we started taking the Lana’i team a little lightly in the third set,” Andrade said.

The third set ended with the score 25-16, and the Warriors securing their first win of the season.

“I think we got off to a sluggish start in the first two sets,” Lana’i Coach Zachary Holsomback said. “The boys worked really hard and stepped up. I’m proud of them.”

The Warriors play Moloka’i next on March 24 at the KSM gym at noon.

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