The student news site of Kamehameha Schools Maui

Ka Leo o Nā Koa

The student news site of Kamehameha Schools Maui

Ka Leo o Nā Koa

The student news site of Kamehameha Schools Maui

Ka Leo o Nā Koa

KSM students help build a Purdy home


Kamehameha Schools Maui Interact Club students helped Habitat for Humanity with the construction of the Purdys’ new home on Saturday, Nov. 12, 2011.

Interact Club President Koa Rodrigues made the arrangements for the club’s involvement in the project.

“I worked for this last year and thought it would be a great service project this year. I think we did an incredible job, and we got a lot accomplished,” Rodrigues said.

The students did a lot of work. “We dug holes and moved bricks,” junior James Krueger said.

“It feels excellent knowing that I helped someone; I will most likely come back another time,” Krueger said. “I wouldn’t go into this type of business as a job, though, but as a philanthropist, sure!”

Ms. Noelani Yatsushiro, the club’s advisor and English 10 teacher, also got her hands dirty.

“This would be my first time, and I believe four out of the five of us came here for the first time. I would definitely come back again. I think this is something significant to be a part of. It’s awesome to say you were able to help somebody build their first home and literally and figuratively set their foundation,” she said.

Ms. Yatsushiro was proud of her students on Saturday, “They worked tremendously well and tremendously hard.”

The owners Mr. and Mrs. Myron and Kristen Purdy were especially excited to have so many people to help work on their home.

“We are very excited and very grateful people have taken time out of their busy lives to come out and help us and our family,” Mrs. Purdy said.  This is their second weekend working on the home.

One of the directors of the organization, Mr. Mike Takamatsu, said that Habitat for Humanity has built 35 homes since 2003, when the Maui organization was founded.

“It’s a very heart-warming experience,” Takamatsu said. He has been a part of many of the projects and was glad to see students contributing.

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