The student news site of Kamehameha Schools Maui

Ka Leo o Nā Koa

The student news site of Kamehameha Schools Maui

Ka Leo o Nā Koa

The student news site of Kamehameha Schools Maui

Ka Leo o Nā Koa

Lilia Lorenzo wins best in art show at fair, others win too

Sean Segundo, Kaiani Kiaha, and Wesly Kiaha admire the Zoe Pelayo’s art work that received second place at the Maui County Fair School Art Exhibit at the Maui Fair.

Kamehameha Schools Maui students received high honors at the Maui Fair School Art Exhibit and Maui Fair Salon of Photography. Their art was displayed at the Maui Fair in the War Memorial Gym.

The students participated in two areas of the art exhibit, two-dimensional art and three-dimensional art, and two areas in the salon, monochromatic/black and white and color.

Sophomore Lilia Lorenzo received best in show for her drawing in the two-dimensional art fourth division.

Sophomore Brandy Takiguchi also entered in this category and received an honorable mention.

There were several students entered in the three-dimensional category in both divisions.

Senior Zoe Pelayo received second place in the fifth division for her ceramic strawberry and Senior Riley Shiraishi received fourth place for her interpretive piece Musubis.

It was a clean sweep in the fourth division. Sophomore  Lopaka Kealiinohomoku, Brissa Christopherson and Sophomore Kyle Fushikoshi-Wago received first, second and third place.

In the Salon of Photography, Senior Lindsay Watson was awarded second place for Free Fall, a photo.

Other KS Maui awards in the photo salon included honorable mentions for Life on the Edge by junior Jocelyn Aipa, Madonna by Junior Shane Naeole and Splash by Olivia Iaea.

The art is on display at the 90th Maui Fair until it closes tonight at 11:00 p.m.

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