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Ka Leo o Nā Koa

The student news site of Kamehameha Schools Maui

Ka Leo o Nā Koa

The student news site of Kamehameha Schools Maui

Ka Leo o Nā Koa

KSM lady Warriors pull out senior night win v. Kekaulike


The KSM basketball girls triumphed over Nā Aliʻi of King Kekaulike at this season’s senior night, Thursday, January 19.

It was a suspenseful match-up as both teams battled it out on the court. The intense game play sent the game into overtime when the two teams tied at 54 points, but the Warriors triumphed in the end and won 65-55.

King Kekaulike made the first basket of the night 30 seconds into the first quarter, and KSM responded with their own basket within 10 seconds. From trailing at first, the Warriors quickly caught up to Nā Aliʻi and went head to head with them, point for point, taking a slight lead, 16-12, by the end of the quarter.

In the second quarter, Nā Aliʻi rallied their way to trail one point behind the Warriors, but Kamehameha pulled away again and went into the locker rooms still in the lead by 4, 26-22.

In the third quarter, Nā Aliʻi tied the score at 28-28 and 30-30, and were one step ahead of the Warriors when the quarter ended at 34-35, with King Kekaulike now in the lead.

Junior Tori Cambra fought through to the end, scoring 2 three-point shots in the fourth quarter, as well as being the high scorer for the evening.

The score stayed tight, point for point in the fourth quarter. As the clock counted down, the Warriors were behind by five points at one point, the biggest Kekaulike lead of the game.

The Warriors tightened up their game. The score was tied at 49-49 when freshman Brooks Carillo made a free throw that put the Warriors ahead.

Then, sophomore Ashley Tanoue-Singson stole the ball and made a basket on a fastbreak bringing the score to 52-49. Nā Aliʻi evened the score at 52-52, until Tanoue-Singson made another two points.

The Warriors were ahead, and the win seemed like a sure thing, but Kamehameha let down their guard with 4 seconds left on the clock, and King Kekaulike’s Dasya Tavares drove the ball to just outside the key and scored at the buzzer, tying the game at 54-54.

In overtime, the Warriors were pumped up and aggressive. They took advantage of Nā Aliʻi’s multiple turnovers to take a big lead and win, 65-55.

Girls’ basketball head coach Mr. David NeSmith said he was very proud of his team. “We’re known as a team that keeps fighting. With games like these, it can be tough but we hope for the best and continue to play hard,” Mr. NeSmith said.

In the senior night recognition after the game, Coach NeSmith said the seniors have been working hard since the very beginning.

“It’s been great being with them and teaching them. They started out as freshmen, when the program was still rough. But I’m happy with what we’ve accomplished. This is their first winning season since the program has been around, 7 wins and 5 losses. Some great things have happened this year. And I’m hoping for the future that more girls come out for JV,” Mr. NeSmith said.

Senior Mahea Kekuewa spoke about her years in basketball as part of the ceremony. She said, “It’s been a hard journey to get to where we are today. But I know we’re leaving the team in good hands. I love them all. We’re expecting a lot out of them next year.”

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