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Ka Leo o Nā Koa

The student news site of Kamehameha Schools Maui

Ka Leo o Nā Koa

The student news site of Kamehameha Schools Maui

Ka Leo o Nā Koa

Kim delivers homily, final Deputation Team worship service


WAILUKU  –  Kamehameha Schools Maui Deputation Team led its final mass for the 2011-2012 school year at ‘Iao Congregational Church – United Church of Christ on April 29, 2012. Senior Christopher Kim gave the homily that morning and seven other Deputation Team members helped to serve.

Kim, who has been a part of the Deputation Team since his freshman year, entitled his homily  ‘Going through Valleys,’ which  followed the theme ‘Jesus, the Good Shepard,’ given to him by Kahu Kalani Wong,

“I thought it was very appropriate for Chris, knowing what he’s going through, and I thought that they [church members] all could connect,” Kahu Wong said.

Kim said that his recent feeling of uncertainty for the future provided him with the idea for what he would write in his speech.

His fear of transitioning from high school to college allowed Kim to find a new perspective on it.

“I was always afraid of tomorrow, but you just have to have faith. Trust in God because he will guide you,” he said.

The message also related to older adults attending the mass.

“I loved it,” said church member Warren Orikasa. “Sometimes, messages have a way of reaching people, and I can relate it to my past. It proves true.”

Kim spent a few weeks drafting his speech prior to the service. As an active member of Grace Bible Church, he also had some guidance in writing his homily from his pastor Tyson Lum.

The smaller atmosphere of the ‘Iao UCC helped Kim to feel less intimidated.

“I wasn’t really nervous because Kahu said not to be,” he said. “It’s much smaller compared to Grace Bible.”

Freshmen Samantha Hill and Macie Tawata, sophomores Aaron Morton and Sean Segundo, junior Kalia Tamashiro and senior Naomi Holokai served during mass, also. The roles assigned to each student ranged from reciting the opening prayer, and leading the call to worship, Pastoral and Lord’s Prayer.

“I enjoyed it [leading mass] because it was a new experience for me, and I actually had a part,” Segundo said.

A special appearance by the keiki of Youth of Koloa Union performed a hula number under the direction of Reverend Rennie Mau.

Free drinks, hot dogs, cookies, chips and sandwiches were served after mass.

The Deputation Team strives to serve the community through leading Maui’s churches at least three times a school year. “The group is a way for individuals to come together with like-minded believers in a school setting and give back to the community,” Kahu Wong said.

Members of the Deputation Team who attended the deputation retreat in Kaua’i at the beginning of the year or have taken part in leading worship service this past year will gather one last time on O’ahu with Kamehameha Kapālama Campus and Kamehameha Schools Hawai’i Campus Deputation Team members before the school year ends.

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