The student news site of Kamehameha Schools Maui

Ka Leo o Nā Koa

The student news site of Kamehameha Schools Maui

Ka Leo o Nā Koa

The student news site of Kamehameha Schools Maui

Ka Leo o Nā Koa

Sophomores dine, dance, shake in ‘Aqua’ night

Jae-lyn Orisaka, Julia Saffrey, and Brandi Takiguchi make their way to the dance floor at the Sophomore Banquet on March 2, 2013.

The sophomore class of 2015 celebrated their banquet at Keʻeaumokupāpāiaheiahe Dinning Hall on March 2, 2013. The night’s theme was Aqua.

“It was fantastic,” Kameryn Pupunu from Maui Prep said.

The sophomore class government came up with the theme to be completely different from their freshman banquet where the primary color was black. Balls with streamers hanging from them represented jellyfish while blue and white balloons littered the floor, giving the students a feeling of being in the water.

“We wanted a happier color,” sophomore class president Shai Ibara said.

Each table had a centerpiece with a jar of water with a goldfish inside. A student from each table was randomly chosen to take the centerpiece home. The idea was brought to life by sophomore Maile Sur.

“The inspiration came from Mehana Lee’s centerpieces at senior ball,” she said. “I thought this would be an innovative and cute idea.”

Unlike the other banquets and balls this year, the sophomore banquet was catered by Kamehameha Schools Maui’s very own food services director, Mr. John Cadman. The class presented the theme to Mr. Cadman who more than welcomed the idea of catering for the sophomore class.

“It’s what I love to do,” Mr. Cadman said. “I like it when people enjoy my cooking.”

After eating dinner, the sophomores enjoyed an award show. Students were nominated for things such as Best Sneeze, Best Laugh and Most Native.

After the award show, students and their guests watched a video presentation of their high school life so far, including homecoming, sophomore sleepover and candid pictures of the class on campus.

“It was a tribute to the class,” chaperone Mr. Kaholo Rickard said.

Music was provided by DJ’s Mackie Mac and Sherwood. The dance floor was off to a slow start, but students filled it as the night went on.

“It was pretty lame that a lot of people didn’t dance a lot at the beginning,” sophomore Jonathan Lum Lung said.

“I hope they make as many memories as they can,” Ibara said. “Sophomore year is almost over.”

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