The student news site of Kamehameha Schools Maui

Ka Leo o Nā Koa

The student news site of Kamehameha Schools Maui

Ka Leo o Nā Koa

The student news site of Kamehameha Schools Maui

Ka Leo o Nā Koa

I’m working on it: The final farewell

As the school year comes to a close,we lose something that has become near and dear to our hearts: the senior class of 2011. It seems nearly impossible to imagine that they are graduating.

Even scarier though, is the notion that in just one short year it will be the juniors’ turn to face the lights as they accept their diplomas. Time flies when you’re having fun, huh?

In memory of the Senior Class of 2011, I have composed a list of 5 things to remember them by:

1. Individuality.
Sparkle and a bit of flair is important. Senior Robbie Akuna showed this every day at school in his attitude and appearance. Being the first male cheerleader at Kamehameha Maui, he wasn’t afraid to break away from the norm.

2. Voice.
Whether making a speech at an assembly, singing beautiful songs with the Hawaiian Ensemble, or apologizing for his “allergies,” student body president Kaui Krueger was never afraid to speak his mind, but more importantly, he was never afraid to speak his heart. For this, he will always be remembered.

3. Leadership.
Take Kelly Luis for example. She is president of the National Honor Society, she ran cross country, she tutors students on academic probation, she does it all! She isn’t afraid to step out and be a leader, to take charge and do something to give back.

4. Roots.
Perhaps the best example of this would be Levi Almeida. He is one native guy who amazed me each and every day with how in touch he is with his culture.

5. “Just keep swimming.”
Sometimes, things are going to get tough, and there are going to be waves, and maybe later tsunamis, but the important thing to remember is to just keep swimming and everything will be alright. Tyler Akaka faced a tough year, but he kept going, and from his trials came something amazing!

These seniors have touched all of our lives. They’ve been our best friends, they’ve been our teammates and classmates, and over the course of these four years, they have grown to become our brothers and sisters. As they go out into the big, wild world, may we never forget them and the legacies they left.

A Hui Hou, Class of 2011,
I hope everything you strive for comes true.

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