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Ka Leo o Nā Koa

The student news site of Kamehameha Schools Maui

Ka Leo o Nā Koa

The student news site of Kamehameha Schools Maui

Ka Leo o Nā Koa

I’m working on it: Hawaiian pride


Lately in Hawaiian History we’ve been learning a lot about the overthrow and the way Native Hawaiians stood up for their beliefs and what they felt our small islands deserved.

I walk out of class every day with a mix of emotions. I’m proud of the way our ancestors stood up for the wrong they felt was done to them, I’m angry about the misfortune that has plagued our history, and I’m sad about the state that Hawaiʻi has fallen into.

What ever happened to those past days when everyone knew how to speak Hawaiian? The days when everyone could sing at least one mele, or knew how to dance hula? It’s like our culture has slowly been diminishing and people aren’t sure what it means to be a Hawaiian.

It makes me wonder when being a “brownie” became a bad thing, when being a Hawaiian was something that people looked down upon.

Growing up, I always listed my Hawaiian nationality last. I believe the order was Caucasian, Chinese, and then Hawaiian. I used to hate my middle name because I associated it with bad things. Whenever I was in really big trouble my parents would call out my full name. I realized that when I heard my middle name, things were going to turn ugly.

Being Hawaiian wasn’t something that I truly appreciated or took pride in.

In song practice, the topic of Hawaiian pride came up again (it’s like this topic is everywhere!). This time though, it was about our school pride, which is essentially Hawaiian pride. There are people in our school who don’t know all the words to our alma mater (I admit, I get confused on a couple words, too…nobly, bravely, firm…etc.).

This is sad, and I am disappointed in myself. After all that this school has given me, I feel like the least I can do is be able to sing this song with the words in the right order.

I’m not trying to lecture you or tell you that none of you have pride in your heritage. That’s not my goal or intention. I want every one of you to realize that you are important, that you are unique and so special.

You come from a history that is completely unique to you. You live in a place where many people can only dream of seeing one day. You are given the tools to become something greater than yourself, to repay your grandparents, your aunties and uncles, your ancestors, for all they did to make sure that you can be where you are today.

You are a Native Hawaiian. Own that! Be proud of that! My message to you is to never be ashamed of where you come from and who you are. You are perfectly wonderful the way you are. I MUA KAMEHAMEHA!

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  • Kaulike PescaiaFeb 6, 2015 at 6:48 pm

    He moʻolelo kupanaha nō kēia. I ka heluhelu ʻana i nā manaʻo ma ke kūkā, komo au i ke kīkīao, ka mana o nā mana’o, a me nā ʻike i hāʻawi aku. Manaʻolana au e heluhelu nā kānaka Hawaiʻi i kēia moʻolelo a e komo i ka mana o nā manaʻo i hāʻawi aku. E Amanaka, mahalo piha no ka hōʻike ʻana mai i kou manaʻo. Ua piha ka naʻau me ka hauʻoli a me nā mea maikaʻi nui. Aloha nui!

  • Kapulani AntonioJan 9, 2015 at 10:06 am

    Aloha e Mikaʻele.

    You make some good points. Yes, the Department of Hawaiian Homes needs to change the blood quantum qualifications. Perhaps awards should be based on genealogy rather than quantum. As for your research, have you put a call out for information in the OHA paper? You might be able to reach more Hawaiians there.
    You wrote about having an internal conflict because of your European ancestry. I talk about this in my Hawaiian History class because it’s sad that Hawaiians today feel like they have to deny their haole side in order to be Hawaiian. It shouldn’t be that way. We are a diverse people because we are so inclusive of all ethnicities. We have aloha for everyone. It’s really about where your heart is and who you identify with. And, if it is in Hawaiʻi and for our ʻāina, our culture, our political future, it will never die. Sure, we have become more Westernized, more Americanized but there are many Hawaiians who are returning to their roots, preserving, practicing, living our culture. There are many fighting for justice -some for a nation within a nation status, others for independence. We will continue to fight for justice and I urge you to come along. We need warriors/activists in every area, leading the charge. Make changing the Hawaiian Homes’ blood quantum your issue. Find others who feel the same and get a movement going on that front. I mua a loaʻa ka lei o ka lanakila! Forward and claim that lei of victory! Aloha nui! – Kapulani

    • NicholasApr 18, 2018 at 11:20 pm

      Many Mahalos Kapulani. How can i come along and help from Minnesota! ? I am willing to call and email and donate time. And even media services.


  • Nicholas Mika'ele DavisJan 8, 2015 at 1:52 am

    My grandfather August Moniz – he was half Portuguese half Hawaiian his mother was Josephine Kukahiko B. 11 JAN 1898 in Maui. If anyone has any information I greatly appreciate it before I drop any money on a genealogy service. I am third generation Hawaiian, and really have no documents or history. My mother just has stories and a few pictures of Gramps Auggie who lived the rest of his days in Anahola.

    As I mature into adulthood and have children of my own now, I question things, where I came from, how did I get here?

    I am saddened by my mother’s (Tonita Moniz) Hawaiian home lands application process. Saddened with grief from her dads passing, she was suddenly stunned and awarded the home in 09, mom paid the mortgage for 2 months, but then couldn’t move out there, so I tried to take it over, but I am not “Hawaiian enough”. This is so so sad for me. The home I visited seeing my Hawaiian grandfather on Kauai as a boy, I was not allowed to take over. I grew up on Kauai and yes although I may be mostly white, I was raised by my Hawaiian mother. Part of me is bitter about this. Part of me, honestly, doesn’t like my European ancestry of where I came from as a result. It’s like this weird internal conflict I have with myself. I get stuck with a Haole last name, but with the heart and soul of a Hawaiian warrior. I feel at peace whenever I get a chance to comeback to Kauai and just want to move back so bad I don’t even care about not having as good a job as I do here in the states. Technically I am almost a quarter I think, my grandfather was half Hawaiian half Portuguese. I just wish they would lessen the blood line, or if I could show them that, hey this is my grandfather, and I am his direct kin. I grew up here. I went to school here as a kid if for only 6-7 years as a keiki. This past trip for me was almost a spiritual awakening. I went to visit the site of where my grandfather’s ashes were spread in Poipu bay and was filled with overwhelming joy and sadness – tears literally coming down my face while I try to hide from the others on Capt Andy’s boat tour. I felt as if I belonged here, it’s so weird. I can’t even explain it in words. I felt my grandfather’s presence on that boat, soon after a pod of dolphins arrived. It was a blessing.

    Honestly not even sure why I am writing all this. I guess my hope is to find out if anyone reading this –to give me hope that this culture will not die, hope that Hawaiians will be given sovereign status, and the justice they deserve. Hope that maybe I can move into my grandfather’s home. If nothing else I would just like to see the Hawaiians getting the support and justice they deserve from our government. And with how the bloodlines are thinning, they should lessen the requirement. Thanks for any input. Just another human being trying to find meaning in this life and to grow from past present and future mistake’s

    Nicholas Mika’ele Davis – Legal name.
    [email protected]

    Please send me a msg if you have any info or where I could locate free Hawaiian documents of genealogy.

    I agree with these state below from the post deeply:

    “I believe that you can carry any quantity of Hawaiian blood and be considered Hawaiian. However, the more important thing is how you carry yourself as a Hawaiian. Do you perpertuate the Hawaiian culture in a positive way? Do you provide a good name for Hawaiians? Or do you just extend the stereotype of a lazy Hawaiian. – See more at:”

    “It’s not right that Hawaiians use the overthrow as the excuse for everything. It’s become an excuse to NOT take action, to NOT participate in government, to continue playing the victim. But, if you look at Hawaiians post-overthrow, we were a dying race –dying not only from the steady influx of communicable diseases but also from cultural malaise. Can one really die from depression, feelings of hopelessness and low self-worth? Definitely. So, is there a causal relationship? Yes, especially now that Hawaiians are educated on our history. We are victims of injustice. These feelings will continue until the wrong has been made right. – See more at:”

  • Lokahi AntonioDec 2, 2011 at 12:28 pm

    Mahalo, Amanda, for your article. I enjoyed reading it and enjoyed following the resulting discussion as well. Keep working on your Hawaiian pride. It sure beats the time when we, as a people, were less than proud to be Hawaiian. I remember that time. Which brings to mind something else.

    I find it interesting that there are people out there that are so opposed to Hawaiian entitlements. I can understand their point of view. But what I find interesting is that I remember that time when it wasn’t cool to be Hawaiian. And back then, nobody wanted to get into Kamehameha Schools who wasn’t a Hawaiian. That was the Hawaiian School. Nobody complained about Hawaiians getting Hawaiian Homes because that was the junk side of the island. Nobody cared about the Hawaiians’ situation and nobody who wasn’t a Hawaiian really wanted to be a Hawaiian. It just wasn’t the thing to be.

    But lo and behold, nowadays everyone knows how much money Kamehameha Schools really has. Nowadays Hawaiians are getting Hawaiian Home Lands up country with million dollar views. There’s been a resurgence in Hawaiian culture and it’s hard to find a single Hawaiian out there who’s ashamed of being a Hawaiian. In fact, it seems that it’s “in” to be Hawaiian. So, now, NOW, others want in. NOW they want to go to that school. NOW they think it’s not fair that Hawaiians get Home Lands. NOW this, NOW that.

    Very interesting.

  • Kumu KapulaniDec 2, 2011 at 10:43 am

    “Is “being unfairly treated” the criteria for valid race-based programs? What about the Japanese-Americans put into internment camps? They were treated terribly, but they don’t have any special programs just for them. I’m sure they want a little something extra. And, the argument that they have a “homeland” to return to is specious – they were American citizens in the U.S. when they were interned.”

    The Japanese-Americans put into internment camps may not have special programs today but they got billions in reparations. Hawaiians will not and should not settle for cash payments as this is our original homeland.
    Yes, those Japanese were American citizens, but they and every other race still has a homeland. So, I stand by my original, so called “specious” argument that this is Hawaiʻi and it belongs to Hawaiians.

    “They believe that these programs legitimizes the idea that one race gets things another race can’t, which is diametrically against our constitution.”

    Hawaiians who use the overthrow as an excuse for being on the bottom are not operating under the U.S. Constitution. They are saying that the constitution does not apply and that we are still a nation, occupied by the United States. It’s ludicrous to fight the KS preference policy as her will was put in place pre-overthrow. The U.S. Constitution does not apply.

    So is the Hawaiian Homestead Act, enacted by Congress in 1921 unconstitutional? It excludes non-Hawaiians.

    “WHY do Hawaiians have the lowest socioeconomic statistics? You note that it is because of what happened to us (the overthrow), but can you point to specific causal connection between the two? Does one (the overthrow) cause the other (the low statistics)?”

    It’s not right that Hawaiians use the overthrow as the excuse for everything. It’s become an excuse to NOT take action, to NOT participate in government, to continue playing the victim. But, if you look at Hawaiians post-overthrow, we were a dying race –dying not only from the steady influx of communicable diseases but also from cultural malaise. Can one really die from depression, feelings of hopelessness and low self-worth? Definitely. So, is there a causal relationship? Yes, especially now that Hawaiians are educated on our history. We are victims of injustice. These feelings will continue until the wrong has been made right.

    The special benefits are just band-aid solutions. The wound underneath has not yet healed. It will continue to get infected and fester. Until such time that it does heal, we need the band-aids.

    • Kealii MossmanDec 2, 2011 at 5:15 pm

      Actually, there are a number of cases in the pipeline that challenge the constitutionality of Hawaiian Homes, so the people against it definitely believe that it is unconstitutional.

      If the constitution doesn’t apply, what laws do apply? The constitution,at least to those who think it applies, is the supreme law of the land. All laws subsequent to the constitution, must conform it. But if the constitution is inapplicable, what laws are there to follow? Should we even follow the current laws if we don’t believe the constitution (and subsequent laws) are valid? Does it hurt the Hawaiian cause to follow the laws that others believe are invalid? Is it hypocritical or pragmatic to use American laws in the fight for Hawaiian programs?

      Usually, to hold someone liable for an offense there must be proximate cause. That is, there must be a close enough connection that it is clear the person should be made to pay for the offense. It cannot be a six-degrees-of-separation situation, where EVERYTHING is eventually connected. Hawaiian opponents argue that there is no proximate cause between the status of Hawaiians today and overthrow, and therefore no need for any type of reparations or Hawaiian-only programs. Indeed, some argue that Hawaiians would be worse off if not for the influence of the US. And, even if there is proximate cause and the US is liable, what should the remedy be? The remedy is what I’m really interested in. 🙂

      If Hawaiians could put together a list of what they want as redress in a global settlement (they couldn’t ask for anything else once the settlement is done), what would they seek? The obvious is that they want an independent nation. What would happen if the US said yes? How would that be implemented? Would it be like the Brits giving back HK? I’m not sure if anyone has thought that far ahead – I know I haven’t. I do know that at one public meeting that I attended, I heard a speaker say that if Hawaii was independent, then the nation would allow anyone who swore allegiance to the new nation to be a citizen of the nation with all the rights of Hawaiians. What happens if ALL the people currently here in Hawaii decide to stay and become citizens? The non-Hawaiians would outnumber those with Hawaiian blood and would be able to dominate the government. if Hawaiians try to counter this by saying that ONLY Hawaiians can be elected to office, then it starts to sound like S.African apartheid, or Saddam’s Iraq. What about land tenure? Would there even be private ownership of real property? Or, would the government own all the land? If land is alienable, what happens if Hawaiians sell their land to non-Hawaiians? Palestinians did just that and are kicking themselves now. It seems that for there to be a “Hawaiian” nation, there would have to be limits on non-Hawaiians. Will Hawaii become the new Fiji? That would not be a good thing, by the way. I definitely don’t know the answer to how a nation would run, but if anyone knows of any plan for what happens AFTER a new nation is formed, I am genuinely interested and would like a reference or site so that I can read up on it.

      These discussions are very interesting and informative. Thanks for everyone’s input. Knowing what others think can only help in refining your own ideas… I think I’m gonna go find another article to comment on. You can join that conversation too 🙂

  • Kara FramptonNov 30, 2011 at 12:13 pm

    Just putting out my thoughts on a couple topics…

    All man is created equal: I don’t believe any man is created equal. Like Kumu Kapulani said some are born into poor families some are born as an Italian. The rich have a step up and so on. Ultimately we cannot choose the situation we are born into. And if we were all created equal there wouldn’t be diversity in the world. Cultures would not be able to overrun or overthrow other cultures. Diversity adds beauty to the world so it is not stagnant but rather ever changing.

    With this, Hawaiians are not superior or inferior to any race; we do have different histories and backgrounds though. Also, there are good and bad aspects of any culture. I agree with Kumu Kapulani when she said that since we are the native people of Hawaii we should get a little more attention or help. If there were Germans in Mexico do you think organizations would want to forget about the native people and try to help and bring up another race before they do it for their own?
    Statistics show that Hawaiians need help but it is the individual’s choices to succeed and try hard or make excuses and not overcome everything. I think the excuses aspect is used with some (not all or even many) Hawaiians, from there they see themselves as hopeless mistreated people and get the mind set of ‘nothing I do or try will help.’ I feel sorry for those people who don’t embrace their culture and the tools we have today to make it thrive and become a more educated and effective advocate of it.

    I can see how non-Hawaiians would take the KS admission policy as racist. But, are there not scholarships that take preference to a certain group of individuals? Is that not the same concept as our admission policy? It is our choice to give money to whom we want and to do with it what we want and this is practiced nationwide. Why is it then so wrong for Ke Ali’i Pauahi to give her money and land to youth of native Hawaiian decent? Also obviously KS only gives ‘preference’ to Hawaiians because there are a handful of students that are not of Hawaiian decent who have gone to Kamehameha Schools. The policy is not strictly ONLY for Hawaiians.

    • Kealii MossmanDec 2, 2011 at 5:44 pm

      I think people commenting on the statement “all men are created equal” are misconstruing the point of the statement. This statement means that all men are equal under the law and should be treated the same under the law. Obviously, no one is the same as anyone else – we are rich and poor, fat and skinny, Hawaiian and non-Hawaiian. But, that’s NOT the point. Indeed, the idea behind all men being equal is supposed to enhance and honor those differences, without treating one group differently than another. Imagine if ONLY Hawaiians could be ticketed for speeding. People would go nuts because it would be treating one group of people differently (worse) than all the other people. Now imagine that ONLY whites could vote. Or imagine that ONLY Chinese could own property. Laws and programs that treat one group differently to the detriment of others is what people who oppose Hawaiian programs are complaining about. Their equality argument focuses on how one group (Hawaiians) is provided with benefits that Filipinos, Haole and Japanese don’t get. They say that this shows that all men are not equal under the law and therefore the programs should be for everyone, not just Hawaiians, (or the programs should be terminated).

      In my previous post I explained why other programs (scholarships, girls schools, etc.) are not challenged like KS. Basically, it’s not worth the time and money to challenge them. If someone decides to challenge a scholarship for Japanese-Americans as being against 42 USC 1981, then the scholarship would probably be shut down. Those are small potatoes, though, compared to big, bad, loaded with money KS. I also explained that just because you want to give your money to someone, doesn’t mean it’s legal. You are absolutely correct in that KS only has a “preference” and the 9th circuit court supported it. However, even KS was leery of how the preference policy would be accepted by the Supreme Court, because they paid John Doe $7million to drop his case against KS’s preference policy before the Supreme Court could hear it.

  • Kamalani UeharaNov 28, 2011 at 9:08 pm

    Amanda, I enjoy your article along with reading all this “dialogue” that comes with it. It’s quite entertaining. And yes, I agree with Nick that not everyone is created equal, not talking in the sense of superiority but in our backgrounds, names, culture, the things born to us. There are a lot of those programs that benefit only Native Hawaiians, and well, yeah, there will be people who will see those and consider them unfair. But look, these programs are not anti-everyone else where they are being harmed. Personally, I think, going back to Amanda’s main point, that these sorts of organizations should, if anything, promote the sense of pride in being Native Hawaiian. That is the point, isn’t it? Why shouldn’t we be given a little something extra for being a part of the Hawaiian people? A people that once was unfairly treated? Maybe it’ll boost a Hawaiians sense of pride in being who they are, maybe it won’t. No harm, no foul. There are real problems out there that can truly be called “unfair.”

    Especially at Kamehameha Schools, it’s really sad when there are people who just don’t care. At all. But what can you do except call that a waste? I just wish we could all get along and be proud to be Hawaiian. If we learned our alma matter, that’d be nice too.

    • Kealii MossmanNov 29, 2011 at 2:32 pm

      Does benefiting from a program or organization no one else can avail themselves to instill pride in you if the only reason you benefit is because of your race?

      Is “being unfairly treated” the criteria for valid race-based programs? What about the Japanese-Americans put into internment camps? They were treated terribly, but they don’t have any special programs just for them. I’m sure they want a little something extra. And, the argument that they have a “homeland” to return to is specious – they were American citizens in the U.S. when they were interned.

      The idea that race-based programs are “no harm, no foul” is exactly opposite of what people who want to shut down these programs believe. They believe that the fact that the government treats one race differently than another IS a huge harm AND a huge foul which negatively impacts those who don’t get the benefits because they are not of the right race (and those who have to pay for the benefits). They believe that these programs legitimizes the idea that one race gets things another race can’t, which is diametrically against our constitution.

      As for the those at KS who just don’t care, I agree it is a waste. Maybe it’s because of the overthrow…

      Again, more things to consider. Thanks for jumping into the fray. The more voices, the merrier… 🙂

  • Kumu KapulaniNov 25, 2011 at 10:30 am

    Wow, Mr. Mossman. You really do have a lot of time on your hands but I do appreciate the dialogue. I too quote Sun Tzu’s mantra – Know your enemy. Questioning ourselves and our beliefs only makes us stronger.

    Now, on to some manaʻo regarding the comments to my post:

    On Hawaiian entitlements- Yes, I get it. Those who oppose Hawaiian programs view race-based entitlements as illegal and unfair. I would argue that the manner in which Hawaiians were historically disenfranchised from our nation was also illegal and unfair. As for the definition of Hawaiian, I agree that we must come up with one definition. To me the bottom line is: A Hawaiian is someone who has the blood (no matter how little) & lineage (so no one can claim they are Hawaiian by blood transfusion).

    On benefits for all – Sounds great. The truly needy, no matter what race should get help and there are programs that service the needy of any race. But in Hawai’i, special attention should be given to the indigenous population who, because of historical circumstances became the homeless in their own homeland, the least educated, the first to die, the most represented in prisons and so on. This is Hawaiʻi. Something like a Hawaiian Education Act is justified because this our homeland. Every other ethnicity has a homeland to which they can return if they choose. Hawaiʻi is ours. Special benefits should be afforded to the native people of this land.

    On all men are not created equal – I wasn’t speaking for all Hawaiians here. I was merely saying that those against Hawaiian entitlements like to believe that everyone is created equal but we are not, in terms of race, socio-economic status, gender, etc. Is it better to be born white or black? Depends where you are in the world. How about rich or poor? A child born in a tremendously wealthy family already gets a leg up in society while a poor, disadvantaged child comes into the world already in the hole. I don’t believe that any group or race is superior or inferior. But we definitely do not start off on equal footing.

    On the level playing field – Will the benefits go on forever? I hope not. The system is far from perfect and there are many abuses. Hawaiian Homes needs to be revamped so that those who really need it can get it –not those who can quality for a $400K home then use their lot to build a second home or vacation getaway.
    I hate the victim mentality and do believe that many Hawaiians today use our history an excuse to do nothing. But there are those who are so far down in the hole who need programs that will lift them up and out.

    There’s so much more to say but I don’t like to write lengthy posts. That’s why my original was so brief. But, since you asked I felt the need to respond. Mahalo for posing the questions. Let’s hope the students are reading.

  • Nicholai NaluaiNov 23, 2011 at 12:07 pm

    I agree with Kumu Kapulani that as Hawaiians, we have these benefits afforded to us for a reason. If the playing fields were even, and if all men were in fact created equally, Hawaiians, or any other race, would not need any benefit programs. Not to mention the Hawaiian people are dying out, literally. Within the next 50-100 years there will be no pure Hawaiians, we are a dying race. I think if anyone in Hawaii needs benefits, it’s the Hawaiians. I doubt the people who say Hawaiians don’t need benefits realize that they probably have a lot of things they are proud of, like their family name, which they had no control over choosing. It’s the same concept.

    • Kealii MossmanNov 23, 2011 at 5:45 pm

      So are you saying that all men are NOT created equal? If so, which men are the superior men? Which are the inferior men? Are you suggesting that Hawaiians are NOT equal to others? Are we (Hawaiians) superior or inferior to others?

      I’m not sure how you define “Hawaiians,” but the 2000 Census had 476,000 people identify themselves solely as “Native Hawaiian.” The 2010 Census data indicates that there will be an INCREASE in the number of solely identified “Native Hawaiians.” True, the number of pure Hawaiians is on a steep decline, but how does that relate to the initial question proffered in my opening post.

      Finally, if you are proud of your family name it’s most likely not because of the letters that make up your name, it’s because of the things your name represents – the things your family does (and has done). Same reason some are ashamed of their family name – the things that their family members do (and have done).

  • Kumu KapulaniNov 22, 2011 at 8:13 pm

    First, mahalo e Amanda for a great article. I am proud that you are proud of your Hawaiianness. Mahalo, too, for bringing it up as food for thought.

    As for the people who say that Hawaiians are not entitled to benefits by virtue of our Hawaiian blood I say wah, wah, stop your crying. We all know you’re just jealous just because you can’t get your hands on those same benefits. These people rant & rave, wishing for a color blind America. They say that Hawaiian entitlements are unconstitutional. They are the kind of people who are opposed to affirmative action too. For them all men are created equal. Nice ideal but guess what? We’re not. There’s a reason Hawaiians were given certain benefits. There’s a reason Ke Aliʻi Pauahi set up her will giving preference to Native Hawaiians. Until such time that the playing field is leveled, those benefits are completely justified.

    • Kealii MossmanNov 24, 2011 at 2:28 pm

      “…by virtue of our Hawaiian blood…”

      This is crux of the issue. The people opposed to Hawaiian programs argue that blood=race, and race-based programs should not be allowed. And, as Hawaiians, we can’t even decide amongst ourselves what a “Hawaiian” is. HHCA 201(7) has one commonly used definition for “Native Hawaiian,” but that is not what KS uses. Is 1/16th blood quantum enough to be a Hawaiian? What about 1/64? 1/128? 1/256? Is there any level of blood quantum where someone is no longer Hawaiian? The simple question of “Who is Hawaiian?” is actually more complicated than most people think…

      “…wah, wah, stop your crying. We all know you’re just jealous just because you can’t get your hands on those same benefits.”

      I think there is a modicum of truth to this statement. However, I don’t think that the people who oppose Hawaiian programs are as concerned with personally getting their hands on the benefits, as they are with allowing EVERYONE (not just Hawaiians) who needs (or earns) the benefits to get them. They question the propriety of things like a Native Hawaiian Education Act when there is no corresponding Filipino-American Education Act. If there is going to be an Education Act, they argue that it should be for those who need it most, not simply for those of a certain race.

      “For them all men are created equal. Nice ideal but guess what? We’re not.”

      The implication of this statement is that others believe all men are created equal, but Hawaiians don’t. How are we (Hawaiians) different from others? Are we superior or inferior? Are we different because of our lot in life? Are we different because of where we were born? Are we different because of where we live? What about Hawaiians on the Mainland? Are they also “not equal” to other men even if they were born and raised outside of the archipelago? It seems that sometimes we want try to argue that we are superior to others because of our history, connection to the land and so on. At other times we want to be inferior, complaining that we have the worst socioeconomic statistics of all people in the state. So, which is it?
      Also, what is the reason we receive certain benefits? You alluded to it but didn’t expound on what the reason actually was. If it is because we are doing so poorly as a people, then that would mean that you probably believe Hawaiians are inferior to other men, and therefore, need the benefits.

      “They are the kind of people who are opposed to affirmative action too.”

      True. Gotta give them props for being consistent…

      “Until such time that the playing field is leveled, those benefits are completely justified.”

      Any idea when the playing field will be leveled? Are these benefits going to go on into eternity? How will we know when the playing field is level? Is there a set of leading or trailing indicators to inform us of the levelness of the playing field? Will the arrival of a few billion Chinese and Indians onto the same global playing field mean that Hawaiians will never be able to compete and will have to have their benefit programs forever?

      Lots of questions. Interesting things to think about… Hope the discussion continues (except that I spend too much time thinking about this stuff when I have other things to do)

      BTW – I’m merely posing questions to stimulate discussion and bring up issues that students may not have considered. Nothing I write should be taken as my personal stance on an issue unless I specifically say it is my belief. And, even then, it’s MY belief – not the school’s, not the newspaper’s.:)

      • Jared TobaNov 28, 2011 at 10:22 pm

        I believe that you can carry any quantity of Hawaiian blood and be considered Hawaiian. However, the more important thing is how you carry yourself as a Hawaiian. Do you perpertuate the Hawaiian culture in a positive way? Do you provide a good name for Hawaiians? Or do you just extend the stereotype of a lazy Hawaiian.

        Hawaiians do benefit from many programs, however we are still the most in poverty in our own homeland. There is something wrong with that. In this case all men are not created equal. I think we are different as Hawaiians because of what happened to us. Being illegally overthrown played a factor in how we live today. It forever changed what Hawaiians believed to be Hawai’i. On the other hand, Hawaiians on the mainland are a little different. They probably do not feel the same as Hawaiians living in Hawai’i. But if they do, then that’s great.

        I’m not sure if the playing field will ever be equal. The benefits may keep going for a long time. Hawaiians are the ones in Hawai’i that need them the most. Until Hawaiians stand strong in Hawai’i and become the most educated, the healthiest, and the least homeless I believe the benefits will keep on coming to them for an extensive amount of time.

        • Kealii MossmanNov 29, 2011 at 2:00 pm

          Just a couple questions/comments…

          1) WHY do Hawaiians have the lowest socioeconomic statistics? You note that it is because of what happened to us (the overthrow), but can you point to specific causal connection between the two? Does one (the overthrow) cause the other (the low statistics)? A KS study found that 16% of Native Hawaiians live under the poverty level. The same study found that 11% of Chinese in Hawaii are at the same poverty level. Were these Chinese also affected by the overthrow? Why is the the poverty for Japanese in Hawaii only 6%? The Japanese suffered from overt discrimination and were relocated to internment camps during WWII, decades after the overthrow. They don’t seem to have been affected as severely as Hawaiians were, even though the atrocities committed against them occurred in their lifetime. No Hawaiian living today personally suffered from the overthrow. It is a residual suffering that we “experience” and complain about. Why is that? And, how should we account for the Hawaiians who aren’t in poverty? I see some nice trucks in the student parking lot – wish I could afford one of those 🙂 Clearly, individual Hawaiians seem to be doing fine. How has the overthrow affected them (or you, for that matter)? Could the low statistics be a result of a mind set that doesn’t value education? Could it be the result of a lack of drive and effort? Could it be an aversion to work? Could it be something else? If so, were these problems also caused by the overthrow? It seems that a lot of times people (myself included) reference the overthrow as the catch-all cause of everything that negatively affects Hawaiians. “Wow, traffic is bad. Must be because of the overthrow.” “He didn’t score well on the SAT. Must be because of the overthrow.” “She didn’t get that job she applied for. Must be because of the overthrow.” If you think about it honestly, I bet most would be hard pressed to come up with one valid causal relationship (other than dispossession of land). Things may be related, but just because something happens, doesn’t mean it CAUSES something else to happen.

          2) If Hawaiians on the mainland feel differently, is it because they are not so caught up in the historical wrongs and more focused on looking forward to the future? Is that a good thing or a bad thing?

          3) From a relative standpoint, Hawaiians do need the benefits provided to them the most. However, what about the 11% of Chinese in poverty? The 9.6% of Filipinos in poverty? The 9.1% white and the 6% Japanese in poverty? They don’t have any programs just for them. Who should be helping them? Is it appropriate that government, which should treat citizens equally, provides to one what they don’t provide to another?

          Just some more things to think about. Remember, I’m playing the devil’s advocate. I’m glad students are finally jumping in… 🙂

  • Kealii MossmanNov 20, 2011 at 10:35 pm

    I agree that we should “own” being Hawaiian. However, students should also be aware that there are people out there who are opposed to many of the Hawaiian programs and entities which currently exist (e.g.- Kamehameha Schools, OHA, Alu Like, etc.) because these programs only benefit a specific group of people (i.e.- Hawaiians) while excluding others from their largess. These people argue that such programs are racially exclusionary and want to shut them down as violative of the letter and spirit of equal protection espoused in both our state and federal constitutions. These people pose a simple, yet confounding, query: Why are you proud of something for which you did absolutely nothing? The fact that you are Hawaiian is simply a matter of luck. You hit the ovarian lottery and were born Hawaiian. That you get to benefit from the many Hawaiian programs (like attending KS), while others are excluded is not because of anything you did, but simply because of your status. Rather than being proud of your status, these people argue, you should be proud of your achievements. They believe that the things you put in the “Extra-curricular Activities/Leadership Positions/Awards” section of your college applications are more important than the box you check near the top of the app which asks for your racial background. It’s hard to argue with that logic and I don’t have any great counter to it. I’ve read a lot about this subject, talked to a lot of people about it, and still have not come up with any really good response. If anyone has any good ideas on this topic, post it here in the comments section. We can get a little discussion going… : )

    • Moses KaapanaNov 21, 2011 at 5:35 pm

      Why should it matter what others think?
      We are NOT merely a minority, we are the kanaka honua, na ‘oiwi o ka pae’aina o Hawai’i. There is nowhere else in the world you can find the origin of our people, and when we are gone we shall be no more.

      If people wish to sucumb to western ideology and forget their heratige, then so be it. That is between them and their ancestors. Our people lived in these islands and prospered, until we were illegaly overthrown in 1893. We had, our own money, postal service, military, electricity, indoor plumbing, telephone. We where a sovreign nation, with treaties signed with other countries, AND ALL THAT WAS STOLEN AWAY. And someone wants to fear that Hawaiians can’t justify the few privlages still available to us today. Many native Americans attend University for free, Hawaiians don’t even rate a free terciary education. I guess “people” would argue that away from us as well.

      As to the protest by racist individuals against what was left to us by our Ali’i, this is just another attempt to steal from us our lands and natural resources, and continue the neo-colonial conditioning in an effort to further deracenate our people. It is so sad how people are more concerned with what others think, or live in fear of what others will “do.” What is RIGHT, what is JUST is most important. In the eyes of God, and our ancestors the American government stole away our peaceful nation. As a people Hawaiians have chosen a non-violant path of passive resistance. There are so many other countries bitterly embroiled in warefare, because of age old disputes of thet original people and the illegal occupying force. We trusted the U.S. to do the right thing, and now look at all that has occured in America. We let evil prevail?

      Let’s not forget that the most viel of sins described in Dante’s Inferno, resulted in the lowest level of hell reserved for those who double-crossed or or commit acts of treatchery. This is what must be made correct. Not some false creed based on a premis of correctness; that would propose that we are all equal, while allowiong the uber-wealthy and politicaly connected to thrive. By all accounts, if aliens colonize the Earth, then Americans will WILLINGLY abandon their way of life, and FREELY surrender their landholdings? This is what Hawaiians are being FORCED to do. Through the most ugly form of corruption and intimidation. Made to feel ashamed of their ethnicity, to appoligize for their connection to their homeland and thier people.

      ‘a’ole au ‘ike, ua eha ku’u pu’uwai, me ka no’ono’o ua lilo na kanaka i hupo mamuli o ka olelo hewa o ka po’e Amelika. Huhu wale au i na po’e e ho’ole ia makou e ho’omau i ko makou lahui Hawai’i, i ko makou ‘aina Aloha. O wai o lakou e ha’i mai ia makou, pehea i noho e ola mau? O WAI LA??? E ha’alele mai keia wahi !!! Huhu a eha ku’u na’au. No ke aha mai e ho’olohe na kanaka honua i na po’e ha’ole? Pono e ho’olohe i ke Akua manaloa, ko kakou Makua, a me na kupuna a me na aumakua no ho’i. ‘a’ole lakou e ho’opunipuni ia makou. ‘a’ole no lakou e hana hewa. O ke Akua, he Akua maika’i a hemolele no. Ua ho’ike ka po’e ka Hawai’i i ke aupuni Amelika i ke Aloha mai kinohi mai. Eia no ke ano o ka po’e i ka wa i hala. Peinei no makou e holomua. Pono e ho’i hou i ke ala kupono o ka po’e kahiko. E ho’omau i ka leo Hawai’i, e mahi i ka lepo, ka “pohaku, ka ‘ai kamaha’o!” A laila e ho’oponopono i ko kakou ‘one hanau, a e ho’oponopono i ka honua holo’oko’a. He hana nui keia, a aia no makou i ka malu o ke Akua. ‘a’ole he mea ma’alahi no ho’i, he mea pa’akiki. E paepae na kupuna, na aumakua, na akua ia makou. E oluolu, e lakou nei e ala mai, e maliu mai. Pono kakou e lilo i ka noho kupono a e hahai ia ke Akua. E kapae namu Ha’ole, e huli kua i ke ‘ano ‘E!

      • Kealii MossmanNov 24, 2011 at 1:28 pm

        I think I need to make it clear that I am playing the devil’s advocate in these discussions. I am Hawaiian. I teach at KS. I have children at KS. I have provided public testimony in support of Hawaiian programs. And, I participate in online discussions with the “other people” who are against race-based Hawaiian programs, staunchly defending Hawaiian programs. BUT, that doesn’t mean I don’t see the logic in the arguments of the “other people.” Indeed, my opening post is simply a restatement of a “discussion” I had with a well-known “other person.” All I did was lay out his argument/issue. That in no way indicates my support for those ideas. While I don’t personally agree with much of what the “other people” say, I must at least acknowledge their points and try to come up with counterpoints. That is where the discussion becomes so much more fulfilling. If the discussion is just a bunch of people all agreeing with each other it’ll be pretty boring.

        Interestingly, even in the responses to my initial post, no one has addressed the status vs achievement issue. To clarify, this issue is based on two arguments: 1) because your racial status is not something you achieved, you should be proud of your achievements more than your racial status, 2) since achievements are more important than racial status, it is improper to have programs based solely on race – people should get the benefits of a program because they earned them. This means that you may “earn” the benefits because you need the support (welfare, education, health, etc.), or you “earn” the benefits because you performed well (scholarships, KS admissions, etc.). Race should not have anything to do with it – or so the argument goes.

        As to the question of why should it matter what others think? It matters because we live in an interconnected world and not in a bubble. Indeed, anyone reading these discussions must have at least a little bit of interest in what others think. If you know what others think you can come up with your own ideas. As a teacher, I WANT students to be aware of as many ideas out there as possible and be able to make their own informed choices about what they believe and support. In my dealings with people on the mainland, there have been times, when I say that I work at KS, that the person I’m speaking with says “Oh, that’s the racist school.” I have to defend our school, our policies and our programs. My students may also face similar questions when they go to the mainland to study and interact with other people from around the world. If it doesn’t matter what others think, then that would mean we would just let people continue in their ignorance of Hawaii’s history and people. I don’t think any of us would want that. And, why would we NOT want to know what the “other side” thinks and have a counter to their arguments? Sun Tzu was pretty clear in why you should know and care about what others think when he wrote:

        So it is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you can win a hundred battles without a single loss.
        If you only know yourself, but not your opponent, you may win or may lose.
        If you know neither yourself nor your enemy, you will always endanger yourself.

        Finally, Native Hawaiians will never be “gone.” Most Hawaiians (except for the plaintiffs in the Day v Apoliona case) don’t care what someone’s blood quantum is – one drop is good enough to say you’re Hawaiian. Our blood may be diluted through inter-racial marriage, but 2010 census figures show that there will actually be MORE people who identify as Native Hawaiians than in the 2000 census. Blood quantum is a whole different discussion, though, so we’ll leave that for another day. 🙂

        Sorry, one last thing. Responding to a post in Hawaiian is cool, especially because this is a KS discussion site, but it does nothing to further the discussion. It only excludes the other 6.9999 billion people on the planet who don’t understand Hawaiian, including the KSM students who take Spanish or Japanese as their course of study. Not even Google Translate can help with this… 🙂

    • Frances KaakimakaNov 21, 2011 at 7:15 pm

      Kealii, it’s interesting that they would ask such a question (especially if the person who is asking the question is an ‘American’) because the flip-side of it would be, “Why should you be proud to be American?” While there are a few exceptions, the vast majority were just lucky enough to win that ‘Ovarian Lottery’. So, by their own line of reason, they shouldn’t be proud to be American. Furthermore, I keep wondering why certain people attack the Kamehameha Schools entry prerequisites, and they don’t work to strip the prerequisites for organizations such as the Daughters of the American Revolution (which has scholarships specifically for descendants of those who served our country during the American Revolution)–eligibility of both are mainly determined by when your ancestors lived in a specific area. One had ancestors who lived, fought, and worked to make Hawaii what it was prior to the arrival of Captain Cook. While the other had ancestors who lived, fought, and worked to make America what it was back in 1783. Finally, there are still Ivy League colleges that have ‘legacy’ rules–where children of parents who attended certain universities receive points which can give them preference over other children trying to gain admittance to the same college. Haven’t they also basically won that ‘Ovarian Lottery’? I’m not saying that there is anything wrong with any of these examples; however, if people are really going to…complain [content edited by Ka Leo o Na Koa]…and demand a level playing field, LEVEL THE ENTIRE FIELD FOR EVERYONE. (Sorry that I don’t have more time to get deeper into this discussion. And, I’m not flaming anyone, or taking sides in this issue. I just came here because a friend of mine wanted to hear what I thought about the issue that was brought up here. Amanda, I am proud to be Hawaiian, and I staunchly believe that EVERYONE should be proud of their ethnicity and heritage as well–no matter where they are from. However, I do not believe that ANY ethnicity or heritage is better, or worse, than another. They are DIFFERENT, and tell the tale of your ancestors’ ability to survive and thrive throughout history). A FINAL NOTE about the school’s admission policy… The Kamehameha Schools was set up by Pauahi Bishop, and was funded by her estate. To demand that her money be spent contrary to what her will dictated would be the same as stripping the Hiltons of their money and spreading it amongst the masses… Well, in my opinion, anyway… Good luck in continuing this discussion!

      • Kealii MossmanNov 23, 2011 at 3:55 pm

        A couple points:

        First, I am proud to be a Hawaiian. And, I’m also proud to be an American. I am proud because I AM a Hawaiian or an American. And, I am proud of the things that I DO as a Hawaiian and as an American and, by extension, what other Hawaiians and Americans DO. Personally, the latter resonates more with me than the former. (Let the flaming begin)

        Second, I wish students would get involved in this discussion. I’m purposely trying to be provocative to get students to jump in. Looks like only the adults are interested. Bummer. But, it’s still a fun exercise.

        On to the discussion…

        Why go after KS?
        I’m not sure as to what the motivation for people seeking to eliminate the preference policy at KS might be, but it probably has something to do with KS’ deep pockets and the fact that KS’ policy prefers Native Hawaiians, a racial group. The other entities referenced (DAR, Ivies) are not race based. – you can be black, white, brown or green and receive the scholarship or admissions points. I’m sure, if given enough time, someone with nothing better to do will try to open up other schools or scholarships which they believe are discriminatory. Simple example; the Citidel (although this one was a little different because it was a state school). And, the general idea that these programs seem to provide a benefit to others because of their lucky birth is the exact point that those who oppose Hawaiian programs bring up – it’s unfair.

        It’s in the Will…
        With regard to the Princess’ will and the use of her money, it is not uncommon for clauses in a will to be struck down by the courts. If, in my will, I left money to my son with the instruction that he was to use the money to buy a gun, take shooting lessons and then kill our next door neighbor, the court would surely strike this clause. Or, if the court did not strike the clause, and my son fulfilled the wishes I left in my will, my son would be punished for doing what he was instructed to do in my will. He couldn’t use the “It was in the will” defense to avoid criminal liability. Simply putting something in a will does not give the devisee carte blanche to violate laws – even if the laws were not in existence at the time the will was written. Same idea would apply with clauses in Pauahi’s will or Hilton’s will or any other person’s will. The instructions in the will cannot lead to a violation of the law of the land. Some people believe that the Princess’ will violates the law of the land now (because it violates 42 USC 1981). The 9th Cir. (en banc) was the last court to rule on this and found otherwise, but since KS paid the $7m to settle the case with John Doe the SCt has yet to weigh in on this.

        “…I am proud to be Hawaiian, and I staunchly believe that EVERYONE should be proud of their ethnicity and heritage as well–no matter where they are from. However, I do not believe that ANY ethnicity or heritage is better, or worse, than another. They are DIFFERENT, and tell the tale of your ancestors’ ability to survive and thrive throughout history.”

        I totally agree with the above statement.

        One, last point. We are discussing the Middle East in my Global Studies class and one common theme throughout the Arab world is the focus on an idealized past and a lack of focus on the future, changing, interconnected world. Because of this, these countries are falling further and further behind. When I’ve asked students in prior years what they think Hawaiians focus on, nearly all of them say that Hawaiians are more focused on a similar idealized past. Just something else to think about… 🙂

        • Frances KaakimakaNov 24, 2011 at 10:23 pm

          Let me just say, why would I flame you? 🙂 And, I didn’t say anything about you being proud, or not proud, about being Hawaiian OR American. I simply said that people who argue that people shouldn’t feel proud to be Hawaiian simply because they won an ‘Ovarian Lottery’, basically just defeated their own argument if they are Americans (unless they really do not feel proud to be American).

          And, I agree. I wish the students did take this issue more seriously. They are the future, and they will have to deal with it, one way or another, when they leave high-school.

          About the: Why go after KS?
          I brought up the DAR because it becomes a racist argument by this reasoning… If a person is Vietnamese, the chances of that person being able to become part of the DAR would be pretty darned hard because the chances of a Vietnamese person serving in the America Revolutionary War would be pretty nonexistent. It’s all a matter of perspective. While one could say that ‘Native Hawaiians’ are a race, one could also argue that ‘Native Hawaiians’ are the descendants of a group of people who lived in a specific area prior to the arrival of Captain Cook (there is a good chance that there were outsiders introduced into the mix, via shipwrecks and/or other Polynesians/Asians arriving in the islands intermittently over time).

          The ‘Why’ then directly affects the, ‘It’s in the Will’ portion.

          As far as the idealizing of the past…
          Actually, I grew up being told that the Hawaiian language was not important, and that it was important to concentrate solely on advancing in the ‘outside world’. So, no. When I came out of High School, in my mind’s eye, there was no idealization of the Hawaiian culture or heritage. The respect for the Hawaiian culture grew later, when I learned beyond the ‘classroom’ version of what it meant to be Hawaiian.

          I will say this… If you lose perspective of who you are (I am a mix of cultures and ethnicities, and I am proud of every one of them), you may end up wearing the disguise of another culture (some have ended up wearing the ‘street gang’ culture–and ended up lost to that world, or a bastardized version of a culture).

          I agree, you can’t live in the past. However, having a good understanding from whence you came, will help aim you towards your future. (i.e. The Hawaiians had an incredible understanding of the environment [animals, plants, and minerals], of the stars, and knew how to manage the land. As we deal with runoffs, landfills, and other destructive actions that have been done to our environment, hopefully someone amongst those students will take a step back, and find something to restore the balance. Well one can hope…)

          However, all the above is just my thinking on different tangents. That’s just me. Sorry.

          You mentioned everything being interconnected. Yes, that is true. That’s why it will be incredibly important for everyone to think on different tangents, and to bring the best parts of each culture to the table. Besides, if the world was just one homogenous mass of beings, it would be a pretty boring place. 🙂
